Why are none of the options that will be polled going to be similar to most MMO trading posts? Why not introduce an auction house similar to WoW? This allows players to post buy and sell offers at any price they wish, while also allowing players to see who posted them and therefore being able to contact those players if they wish to barter, and that way they also expire after a certain amount of time, or if polled, expire upon logging out. This would also fix the problem the OP mentioned about phony buy offers as the gold would be taken ahead of time because the buyer placing the offer would have to list a desired buy price. So it would be the GE EXCEPT that you can set your own price and view items being sold ordered by price, as opposed to attempting to buy/sell an item at a blind offer. My main gripe with the GE that keeps me strongly against having it is the simple fact that I can't view individual player offers, instead I'm forced to choose a price I want to buy at and hope someone is selling at that price, or even worse, making a sell offer and potentially losing out on a lot of gold if player offers were higher then the sell offer I chose simply because I can't see the offers that are placed behind the scenes.
15-Dec-2014 02:26:06