Spot on, Nordaf. The trouble is in order for the GE to be as convenient as they are asking, like in RS3 where you can insta-buy all your quest items before heading out...
it has to first become a place where everyone dumps all their garbage.
I have some low-level stuff in my bank that I will NEVER use. I don't care; my bank is well organized and the stuff isn't in my way. Every so often some noob in a bank happens to be needing a tool or a piece of low-level armour, and if he's asking politely it's often something I happen to have and don't mind sharing.
In RS3 I cleared that junk out of my bank long ago, into the dump it went, and auto-distributed itself to noobs across the worlds, noobs who have never even heard of places like Loui's Legs. It's a completely different game when there's a GE. It's not the EoC that made it so different.
17-Dec-2014 16:27:30