The trading post is a perfect addition to oldschool without following the same path as another game that is already out there, if you like what that game has to offer, go play it... I would like for oldschool to continue on a new path and in a new direction, the trading post offers this.
It only needs a few tweaks! As much as I like the idea of posting "buy offers" I think it would just lead to another route for merchants, so this would need to be limited somehow, maybe to the maximum of 1-3 (how many people who are not merching are buying 6+ items at once? not many).
Also, when someone puts an item up for sale on the trading post, their private message should automatically be turned to "on". Its a little annoying when you see the same sell offer through the day and its obvious the person dosnt realize their private is still on friends.
As much as i would like a through the post trading sytem, Im sure it would be abused by merchant bots just sitting there buying items as soon as they were posted, so unless there was a solution to that im fine deciding if its worth it or not for me to meet up with someone to buy only 2 kwuarm seeds ect.
I hope all the RnD put into the trading post dosnt go to waste, its a great system that needs a few minor tweaks and I feel like implementing the GE would be selling out and falling into the same groove as easyscape.
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27-Dec-2014 22:05:12