
Expanding the Trading Post

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Real Reason
Mar Member 2020

Real Reason

Posts: 462 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Tink25031989 said :

1.Because all anyone did was sit around the GE waiting for it it spit out items.
2.Rather than going out and getting them for themselves.
3.Or just simply asking another real player
1.Those would be the merchers who sit at vwest all day and r lvl 3
2.Go play ironman L
3.The ge could do this for us
Even in my nightmares I'm pursuing my dreams

26-Dec-2014 20:04:16

Dec Member 2007


Posts: 720 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I support the grand exchange all the way! If you consider spending a day trying to buy an item or two as a fun part of the game then there may be something wrong with you... I know so many players including myself that would rather play the game and enjoy the game than spend hours on just buying an item which to me takes away from the game as well as many players including myself do not have the luxury to play all day or for countless of hours a day to buy an item. If you think that there is a lot of player interaction through trading next to each other then either something is wrong with you, you do not play the game, or you do not trade other players. In most cases the one who is selling the item wants to sell the item to you and wants you to leave with little to no player interaction. Saying Ty "Thank You", Np "No problem", Yw "Your Welcome" is not what I consider to be player interaction. If you are against the grand exchange then feel free to respond with valid reasons on why you think Old School RuneScape should not have a grand exchange. If you are for the grand exchange then reply with I support and explain why you would support the grand exchange.
Thank You!

26-Dec-2014 20:10:13



Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I for one fully support the complete G.E package, I think it will completely revamp the game in a positive direction. I for one can guarantee 5-6 of my friends would rejoin for OSRS if a decent iteration of the G.E was in place. Trading from person to person requires no social interaction and just wastes valuable time for us who don't have the time to teleport to sell to someone from the FUN activity we were doing before. I have played on various accounts ranging from joining beginning of 2007 up to this account which was made for OSRS. Although I feel the fact people don't have much time playing the game shouldn't really effect how much their opinions are valued, they pay as much as we all do for the game so they deserve their say. Personally I felt the most fun I had playing was after the G.E update. I left however when the new combat system was implemented along with Squeal of Fortunes and what have you. At the moment mindlessly searching for items is tedious and is quite honestly the one feature putting me off playing this game much. If the G.E was put in place this game this game would be absolutely fantastic right how it should be.

26-Dec-2014 22:51:15 - Last edited on 26-Dec-2014 22:51:53 by LiamPH

2 L8
May Member 2022

2 L8

Posts: 402 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i like how it takes effort to get an item you want as it is now. I do not want another GE as we already have one in rs3 and all that does is promote people buying up certain items and hoarding/manipping prices. I like the post how it is now, how its more beneficial to the players who are currently online, because after all this is OLD SCHOOL RS, not ModernDayScape.You gotta try to get your items, they're not handed to you.

27-Dec-2014 07:46:43

Rick M
May Member 2014

Rick M

Posts: 29 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Im sure everyone that says they want the grandexchange in 2007 didnt actually play runescape in 2007. They are to use to buying/selling instantly and not having any interaction with people or merchanting the right way. All i am seeing is runescape 2007 making the same mistakes that were made in rs3 so long ago. Runescape 2007 changed as soon as the grandexchange was released, there were set prices/buy limit for items and that made the old merchanting extinct, i say LEAVE THE GRANDEXCHANGE WHERE IT BELONGS, IN RS3.
on a alternative note, if people must have this grandexchange than make TWO CHANGES TO IT: only show prices people are selling the item for, an average price would be nice i guess but dont restrict us on price and how many we can buy. That way we can still merchant the way it was in runescape 2007.

27-Dec-2014 19:49:37

Jun Member 2006


Posts: 546 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
That's easy for you to say Navy, considering your 2014 membership.

I support a full grand exchange, and I have proof that I have been around a while. An online-only grand exchange would be fine too. It's selfish, I don't want to have to deal with people so much that are offline or in random places and expect me to go to them. I'm too old to spend so much time on unneeded stuff.

Only change would be to stop restricting how many of an item people can trade. If someone wants to buy 100 Ahrims sets, let them!

27-Dec-2014 21:13:55 - Last edited on 27-Dec-2014 21:21:00 by C6burt

Dark Uzi
Jun Member 2013

Dark Uzi

Posts: 656 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The trading post is a perfect addition to oldschool without following the same path as another game that is already out there, if you like what that game has to offer, go play it... I would like for oldschool to continue on a new path and in a new direction, the trading post offers this.

It only needs a few tweaks! As much as I like the idea of posting "buy offers" I think it would just lead to another route for merchants, so this would need to be limited somehow, maybe to the maximum of 1-3 (how many people who are not merching are buying 6+ items at once? not many).

Also, when someone puts an item up for sale on the trading post, their private message should automatically be turned to "on". Its a little annoying when you see the same sell offer through the day and its obvious the person dosnt realize their private is still on friends.

As much as i would like a through the post trading sytem, Im sure it would be abused by merchant bots just sitting there buying items as soon as they were posted, so unless there was a solution to that im fine deciding if its worth it or not for me to meet up with someone to buy only 2 kwuarm seeds ect.

I hope all the RnD put into the trading post dosnt go to waste, its a great system that needs a few minor tweaks and I feel like implementing the GE would be selling out and falling into the same groove as easyscape.
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27-Dec-2014 22:05:12

Bob Lazaaaar

Bob Lazaaaar

Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Please do the G.E, enough of making runescape an overcomplicated chore. This would make most players much more happy and more inclined to log in, buy membership**** start the game, etc, because most people who play EOC don't want a proper old school version of RS, they just HATE EOC, and how over complicated RS has become.

28-Dec-2014 00:30:09

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