Didn't think I would ever say this, but im voting no becuz this is 'overpowered'**** man noted dragon bones, 250 free p-ess, 10 more sayer xp %, the rich get richer. (gotta be rich to afford all them elite skills).
I will likely abstain from voting. To me this just seems like too many perks, but as someone who will probably never be able to achieve the necessary stats, I'll leave this one up to the more experienced players.
I will likely abstain from voting. To me this just seems like too many perks, but as someone who will probably never be able to achieve the necessary stats, I'll leave this one up to the more experienced players.
wow thats pretty admirable NGL
petscape is bestscape
The Meat
Didn't think I would ever say this, but im voting no becuz this is 'overpowered'**** man noted dragon bones, 250 free p-ess, 10 more sayer xp %, the rich get richer. (gotta be rich to afford all them elite skills).
Noted dragon bones in the wilderness (most people who do this will be so high level that they wont camp dragons anyway, theres much better things to do). 250 free pure ess is about 5k.
Rich getting richer is ********, you think people logged into the game with money? No, we worked for our gp and our stats. Try it some time.
I am rather torn about these rewards.
On one hand, the idea of being able to work towards the quests/levels needed to complete these tasks is awesome. It would be motivating to actually train skills knowing there is a high-level end-game.
I like to think of it as a long-term time investment that would lead up to items that would shorten the time to get 99s.
On the other hand, some of these awards are kind of overpowered.
I think its crazy that people may not have to make unfinished potions themselves.
120 Battlestaves is like...free gp every day. No death on Falador patch will kill coconut prices on magic tree'ers. MLM is going to surpass granite mining in xp rates. That crystal halberd seems OP.
remember the name of this game? its called oldschool runescape, not pre eoc 2k12 rs.
75% of those rewards are way too op.
I voted for achievement diaries, not easyscape
I MEAN COME ON, NOTED RED DRAGONHIDE!? 4m an hour at red dragons!?
118 str bonus on crystal halberd? d hally is already ** as ****, why make a new one even stronger???? do you want gwd items to crash?
Overall seems okay with the aspect of a few things that do seem overpowered. One thing to note I don't think boosting to these levels to complete requirements should be allowed to make the achievement more meaningful. (AKA summer pies to get into ardy rooftop at 85 agility, or admiral pie to boost to hand-fish sharks from 91, etc).
Also with the perks to chompy hunting, what do the people who have competed 4000+ kills get when we used methods that would clearly take longer than the 2 birds every time?
Oh...tanning leather spell is OP, as well. Imagine notable dragon bones in wildy then tanning your green dragonhide and crafting it into a green body to alch. XD
28-Nov-2014 20:04:49
- Last edited on
28-Nov-2014 20:06:22
07 Ashley