On a side note, I don't get why people seem to freaking out over the crystal hally's stats. The way I see it, it doesn’t look that good. Sure it has high stats, it’s a level 70 weapon... But it also very slow, 3 speed I'd assume like other hallys (slower than godsword and half the speed of the whip). And it is two handed. And it degrades, probably with stat loss unless nmz imbued. And it probably won't get a special attack since the crystal bow doesn’t have one.
Chances are, by the time you can finish an elite diary, you won't be using a hally too often, if at all. I doubt this will replace the godsword for anything and a whip with defender is still far better for most things. Although if I am overlooking anything, like where a hally is super useful, let me know.
28-Nov-2014 20:08:56