All you people complaining sound like little kids and are irritating the shnitzel out of me. You honestly sound like a bunch of whiny entitled little jerbs. All you have to do is not complain. Im out, sick of reading only mis-informed complaints and whinging that lacks research. Saying things like "omg communism" "omg jagex unfair" "wtf this was a vote" .... I don't even know how to respond. Shut up and just play the game; I feel half these complaints are for the sake of complaining; "us vs. them mentality" trying to exert that you guys mean something to the world. Guess what; you don't mean anything and neither do i. Just play the game for what it is and stop being whinging/whining little kids.
First of all, this was an integrity poll, not a vote.
Secondly, if you think jagex is unfair; GL in the real world scrubs.
Third, shut the fridge door and just play the game. The game is not limited to afk splashing, guthans afk training and commission staking. There are countless other elements to it.
I'm not coming back to this thread after this post. All you idiots with your mis-informed comments, complaints, whinging and whining is actually stressing me out at how so many people can be so stupid.
27-Nov-2014 21:08:11