Dear Staff,
Please consider that this game had way more players/members when its development state was as the point that's now traded as "oldscool rs". I'm just guessing, but in my opinion the balance of skilling and trading has been a cruicial point for this. With all your well-meant updates you obviously troubled it. At least until you came to a point where you decided to re-intruduce the '07 version.
The are two possible ways to go. I guess the one you have chosen is the wrong one. Oldschool-rs is a "sure-fire success" (dictionary said so), which means it attracts plenty of players, while you more or less only have to deal with maintenance costs. But only if you sell it at a proper price. And 8,50* ist definitely no proper price.
Maybe an separated method would yield a better gain anyway. But I'm no accountting clerk to determine that.
Best regards
17-Mar-2015 22:21:50