Slay Helm
People boss for enjoyment - that's true, but what's enjoyable about a boss where you tele every 1-3 kills...
ummm... hello? CORP?
I get about 4-5 kills per trip, the boss is exciting, challenging, can K.O. even 99 hp players in 1 tick, constantly drains prayer, you have to watch out for pkers (bring a glory lmao and you're safe, pkers so crap these days)...
CONSTANTLY drops 60 x Onyx Bolt tips which is about 500k for a solo kill, drops Treasonous ring (the ring has to come into the game at some point ~ sold 1 for 9m back when corp came out), and every so often drops 100 noted snap dragon herbs which is about 1mil ish depending on if you make your own super restores or not (I do).
This boss is awesome, don't ever talk down about it unless you're maxed too, then you have no room to talk ~ with over 1k Vennenatis kills it is a highly recommended boss for cash and FUN.
GRINDING Graardor/Zilyanna/K'ril is boring A.F.
Vennenatis is actually worth your time spend on it (Wyverns not a boss so doesn't count AND GRINDING is NEVER FUN!)
Everybody 'round me saying I should relax 'cuz I've been going hard 'till my eyes roll back but,
all I wanna do is forget about my past and smoke a'lil ranarr, really nothing too drastic..