"We also think that this is the right time to talk about the possible inclusion of gravestones. This is something you have been asking for and something which would need to pass a poll before it is introduced. The questions we have for you is what functionality would you like the gravestone to have? It could have all the features of gravestones which RS3 has such as a selection of designs ranging from 5 to 15 minutes of protection, with players being able to bless them or it can have different features based on what you want. Please let us know what you are thinking regarding gravestones in this thread."
Listen. I have played this game for about 10 years now. Half of my life. I was semi okay with gravestones coming to RS2 when they did, until later on I realized the impact that we had on the economy. If someone died with full Rune somewhere off in the distance away from everyone (or barrows, bandos, or what not). They lost their items and were removed from the game. This helped make going somewhere a risky business. RuneScape 3 has slowly become so pathetically easy it's just no longer fun. Many of the such things that made it "EasyScape" was the bonus xp, the gravestone protection, the grand exchange, and so on.
The game is entirely fine without them. I played nearly 3 years before they were introduced into the game and I was fine with that then, I knew I had to take risk in the game. Making you have 15 minutes of time to get back to your items is far too much. 6 minutes is far too much. You should have to rush to get your stuff back. Other people should be able to get your items if you're being silly. In my opinion you've done ruined some of the benefit of this game by letting people splash train magic.
I need some way to enjoy what I have left of OSRS and not just get 500k exp an hour and have no fear of losing my items either. It'll probably pass but maybe think about the longterm impact guys. It's not good.
05-Nov-2014 23:23:31