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I think you don't want to explain because I"m right, and just to let you know I have 21m range exp over my osrs accounts and about 30m mage exp ( kenshin sama, neveid, lil daranged and this account).
lol, please dont even go there. My rs3 main is completionist before eoc came out. Both my range and mage are over 50m xp, not including xp from osrs.
I wasn't comparing stats, you said I had no experience with range and mage, yet I would be ranked 6 in mage and 30 something in range and that's not counting the slower exp rates at lower lvls that had to be redone.
And LOL at Rs3, the game where hundreds of people got completionist with botting? Rs3 accomplishments mean nothing imo, I know several people with very high stats from botting and never got banned, in fact I know more people with high stats on rs3 who botted than people who didn't bot by about 9:1.
Not only that but pre-eoc 50m range/mage exp can very easily take less time than even 99 on osrs factoring in bonus exp weekends, brawlers, free exp from sol, just free exp for being subbed like the september bonus exp or whatever it was, generally faster training due to much better gear and supplies etc, kind of like how 99 runecrafting in osrs = around 100M rc exp in pre eoc minus the afking.
But that's getting off topic, back to the original point - gear with higher requirements should be better. Such as a shield with 60 def and 60 range requirement should be better than a book with no requirement other than a quest and a shield with 60 def and mage requirement should be better than a book with no def requirement and 60 mage requirement. Please tell me how that is wrong?
Maxed Sept 24th, 2015 - 134th to max
21-Jan-2014 06:20:09
- Last edited on
21-Jan-2014 06:30:00
Im Nate