I have been playing Runescape for many years and it has always been my favorite video game.
I was not a very big fan or EOC-- I much preferred the "old" combat system, however, one I heard that 07 was going to be released I was overjoyed. Since then I think Jagex has really modified it (with player feedback of course) to a better game than day of release. There are some issues that I'm still having with it, however, and I would like to address them here.
First off, I really think that PVP needs some work. I personally and, as the polls shows many others, play 07 primarily for the PVP aspect of it. I think that Jagex did a great job releasing PVP worlds and God wars to help spice things up, however, I feel like more work needs to be done. First off, there is not much incentive to play on PVP worlds compared to edge pking right now. I think that PVP worlds and perhaps edge could be greatly revitalized if some benefits were added in as currently there are really only intrinsic benefits to be gained from pking unless you are high risking. For example brawler gloves could come back. This would be greater incentive for people to pk as the xp boost they gave to skills was substantial. Another idea is untradeable degrading armor like statius. This armor could be quite powerful and the player that was wearing it would have at least some advantage over players who were not.
The other change that I think PVP needs is an influx of at least a couple more spec weapons. Currently the only spec weapons available for melee style pkers are really Gmaul, DDS, AGS, and maybe BGS if you are poor and desperate enough. This is great, however, I'm finding that I'm quickly boring of the same old DDS and gmaul and AGS is a bit pricey for your average player. I think that Jagex should consider the release over the next several months to years of some new different spec weapons to help give some more variety to the "old DDS".... I'll be continuing this post.
10-Jan-2014 18:12:35