
Dev blog: 2014 Thread is locked

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Numair 2
Dec Member 2022

Numair 2

Posts: 32 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have been playing Runescape for many years and it has always been my favorite video game.
I was not a very big fan or EOC-- I much preferred the "old" combat system, however, one I heard that 07 was going to be released I was overjoyed. Since then I think Jagex has really modified it (with player feedback of course) to a better game than day of release. There are some issues that I'm still having with it, however, and I would like to address them here.
First off, I really think that PVP needs some work. I personally and, as the polls shows many others, play 07 primarily for the PVP aspect of it. I think that Jagex did a great job releasing PVP worlds and God wars to help spice things up, however, I feel like more work needs to be done. First off, there is not much incentive to play on PVP worlds compared to edge pking right now. I think that PVP worlds and perhaps edge could be greatly revitalized if some benefits were added in as currently there are really only intrinsic benefits to be gained from pking unless you are high risking. For example brawler gloves could come back. This would be greater incentive for people to pk as the xp boost they gave to skills was substantial. Another idea is untradeable degrading armor like statius. This armor could be quite powerful and the player that was wearing it would have at least some advantage over players who were not.
The other change that I think PVP needs is an influx of at least a couple more spec weapons. Currently the only spec weapons available for melee style pkers are really Gmaul, DDS, AGS, and maybe BGS if you are poor and desperate enough. This is great, however, I'm finding that I'm quickly boring of the same old DDS and gmaul and AGS is a bit pricey for your average player. I think that Jagex should consider the release over the next several months to years of some new different spec weapons to help give some more variety to the "old DDS".... I'll be continuing this post.

10-Jan-2014 18:12:35

Numair 2
Dec Member 2022

Numair 2

Posts: 32 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I personally was a huge fan of Dclaws back in the day, however, I understand why many people would be against them coming back into the game. Perhaps they could be re-modified to make them less powerful? For example instead of using 50% of spec they could use 100%. This would stop back to back claw combos and require the player to use more skill when using them. Another option is to design with player feedback entirely new spec weapons.

I hope some of what I said will be considered in future polls.

10-Jan-2014 18:12:52

Mr Dh

Mr Dh

Posts: 22 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i would greatly a appreciate bringing the grand exchange into full effect just as it was when it just came out and the same spot, however I'd personally request that you set a price however we can adjust the prices to whatever we see fit when we purchase/sell items. secondly I'm probably going to get a lot of hate for this but I'd like to see summoning make a full comeback as well, thank you for you time and effort it's greatly appreciated from all of us players. :)

10-Jan-2014 23:30:10

Oct Member 2011


Posts: 237 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The second issue is trading. We know world 1 is very difficult to trade in and we want to solve this too. I am sure a lot of you have just had images of the Grand Exchange run through your mind, however we don't have to introduce it in the way it was originally, there is no trade cap so we can do things differently. Most importantly the solution has to be right for you so before long we will need to start a discussion on what the solution should be.

Are you kidding me, if you can't cope with selling on world 1 then use the forums. This is oldschool runescape we should nothing remotely similar to a GE. Either learn how to communicate with palyers oro go back to eoc.

11-Jan-2014 03:44:37

Mr Crow

Mr Crow

Posts: 4,237 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Original message details are unavailable.
wha you guys think about player owned shops?

in my honest opinion, they can advertise what you're selling, but you still have to meet up with another player and trade them...the game shouldn't trade for you.

3 Word Game , Invasion , Necroancy and combat Pets , Barrows expansion , Snow Ball Arena , Lock Down Server(s) , The Trade Island by CR0W and McGee , Clan Update And Max Levels . ~/Sig

11-Jan-2014 14:43:50 - Last edited on 11-Jan-2014 14:48:01 by Mr Crow



Posts: 273 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Personally I'm disappointed. The old way of trading was the main thing that I liked about oldschool, the other thing was the lack of organized fighting zones (like clan wars or bounty hunter).
Now I read that you are considering adding both because, "that is what players want?"
I guess I must be the minority but i..

don't want clan wars (at least not taking all the space in the wildy, put it next to castle wars.
don't want bounty hunter (if you want it, throw it in as a feature to a full pking world, like your wealth will be shown and stuff)
definitely don't want G.E. - don't be lazy guys. trading is one of the best aspects of this game, it requires EFFORT. This is something that actually encourages people to SKILL.
Lastly, that teleport minigame interface ****** me off. I HATE the idea of free teleports. They should make you require RUNES and/or MAGIC level. You could have even made a new "minigame orb" which you win from a quest and grants you teleports to all the minigames. Those who haven't done the quest yet can WALK like the rest of us have been doing.

Anyway, if Jagex is able to remove the chat bots, it will be easier to sell stuff without all the spam, no?

Those are my ideas, I had started creating an account and gotten somewhat far and now i read OSRS will be destroyed just as RS3 was. Why do i still play this game?

11-Jan-2014 15:06:41 - Last edited on 11-Jan-2014 15:11:53 by U8sand

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