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Ge would be the single
update thus far to osrs.^
yup and supply out weighing demand bringing prices down, lazy skilling, dead content, 1000x easier for bots and price manipulators to do their work... yeah... all that with the Ge is the greatest update evah.../ sarcasm
When prices drop, buyers increase and producers decrease.
Please don't think that every market correction is a simple, one-off change. Everything is always in flux, if it is healthy, and freaking out about a price change is like freaking out over how much longer one log takes to chop than the last previous.
As I stated earlier ge is a horrible idea. If you can't trade with people on world 1 there is always the forums. Hell even zebyz is close to an out of game GE. As for the free teleports that is bullcrap. The things most of us oldschoolers enjoy, and please correct me if I am wrong, we enjoy earning things to be better than people. He/she earned barrow gloves, he/she earned a fire cape, he/she earned void. Rs3 became ruined not only because of the combat system change, but because all the freebies. What is the point of playing a game that gives things out for free. Us oldschoolers enjoy eraning things we don't want free crap or we would be on rs3 doing our spins.....
11-Jan-2014 18:57:37
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11-Jan-2014 18:58:55
Not a bad idea, maybe in player owned houses? I really don't like the idea of a GE, because it's just so unrealistic, it removes the element of travelling the globe in search of goods. Importing and exporting of goods should be done by players, not by an invisible computer that runs the world.
Personally, I don't even like home teleport. I really vote against resting. If you want to travel, work for it. Get used to walking, don't be lazy. Level your agility, magic, do quests, etc. If you make it too easy, there are less incentives to do those things. Please don't add updates that do nothing but make the game easier, unless something is currently
As a player entering his 7th year of Runescape, it is exciting to read through this OldSchool Dev Blog and be able to see how much the Game Developers are letting us, the players, have more say in the game. To myself, the most promising statement of the entire DevBlog was,
"... if the community suddenly decides the most important things are pink ponies and purple elephants then we will ditch the plan and do that instead."
That is exactly what all players want, they want a game that has a strong foundation that they can enjoy, but the hope for updates they can decide on. It took a long time for the workers of Jagex to figure this out, but I believe Runescape is
re-gaining its footing and is on its way to major success.
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When prices drop, buyers increase and producers decrease.
Supply and demand doesn't work on rs when discussing prices, not fully. This is shown perfectly well by the fact that people will gladly produce crap for a LOSS of money in exchange for some exp.
"When history witnesses a great change, Razgriz reveals itself... first, as a dark demon. As a demon, it uses its power to rain death upon the land, and then it dies. However, after a period of slumber, Razgriz returns, this time, as a great hero"
I'm hoping you put an emphasis on taking care of bots. I kind of hope you keep your hands off skilling because the updates you have brought in has increased the number of bots and has made the game easier.
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Sounds great please get in some new gear for Zerkers! It seems they've died out a lil with the loss of turmoil Pures are powerful enough atm!
"When history witnesses a great change, Razgriz reveals itself... first, as a dark demon. As a demon, it uses its power to rain death upon the land, and then it dies. However, after a period of slumber, Razgriz returns, this time, as a great hero"