While removing the damage reducing features of divine/ely in PvP situations would be a great start (note: I don't want overpowered divine tanking noobs in castlewars/clanwars either), divine makes bosses (particularly godwars bosses) a lot easier. Which is why I think instead of removing the effect from PvP, you should just reduce the effect as a whole.
With divine there is really 3 areas (or a combination of) that you could choose from.
1. Reducing the chance of the effect working (atm 100%).
2. Reduce the amount of damage that is reduced (atm 30%).
3. Drain more prayer when damage is reduced (atm 50% of 'soaked' damage).
Something that I keep coming back to in trying to propose something for a reduced effect for divine is that I really don't want it working 100% of the time and the amount of prayer it reduces is very insignifigant.
I would suggest changing divine to work 75% of the time and draining the full 'soaked' damage from prayer (instead of half of it).
Hit a '40' on divine -> does 28 damage -> reduces prayer by 6. (100% of the time)
Hit a '40' on divine -> does 28 damage -> reduces prayer by 12. (75% of the time)
To balance Elysian, reduce the effect to work only 60% of the time, due to it not having the same prayer draining effect as Divine.
IMO this is being very generous with the effects of the shield, it would still be extremely hard to fight someone in wild in identical gear (except with one having divine) and win. Therefore the shields are not devalued, they are still the best shields in-game from damage reducing perspective and they are no longer
so very much
26-Jul-2014 03:04:19