I have no real qualms with the beast itself, but what it gives should have to be put together by someone with one or more high end skills.
The shields, as I recall, could be made by NPC's for a rather large sum of money. I have no issue with an NPC acting as a money sink to make high end equipment, but taking away the requirement to make it is a bit disappointing.
I'd just like to see that, if it is introduced, it's drops will require high level skills to make without shortcuts.
Let it drop magical thread that can be used with dragonhide to make new high level MAGIC armor.
Let it drop a new gemstone (Black Opal would be an interesting option) that could be used for 4 different things, in a single drop.
Heck, let it drop dragon bars.
But don't let it just drop whole items, and don't let awesome gear be made by NPC.
25-Jul-2014 16:36:46