As someone who spent over 1000 hours at corp pre-eoc I am SOOO happy that you've been able to re create it perfectly.
Obviously it won't be the same, a lot of the items we have in 07 are different to how they were back then. In particular Overloads, Zamorakian hasta, Spirit shields in an earlier time frame.
I am someone who would love to see the spirit shields the exact same, but fear that they will not pass the poll. Changes will most likely need to be made. Particularly to the arcane/spectral which would be outclassed by the new wilderness shields we currently have. I think the spectral should offer magic damage reduction and the arcane should offer magic damage increase, both doing 10% respectively.
Making the Divine/Elysian any less than they were will make them useless and not worth the time/supplies to obtain.
The drop, whether it be spirit shields or something new needs to be an equivalent that will be as rare as sigils were and just as equally "overpowered"
Perhaps the corp could be introduced as part of the new elf area and could drop new crystal equipment with damage reduction/addition properties.
The corp needs to drop useful skilling supplies that are difficult to come by or cost alot, and something to replace the large amount of charms previously offered.
Some ideas for drops are:
-Noted battlestaves (100-150 somewhere)
-Noted herbs (Avantoe+)
-Noted Bird nests
-High level seeds
-Noted planks/bars
-A new cape that is equal to the old Ardougne 3 cape (with +6 attack stats, Very rare drop?)
-Elite Clue
-Soul/Blood runes (300+)
-Onyx gem to replace regen brace/onyx bolts (with increased rarity)
I think overloads should be allowed to be used on corp, instanced just the same as in NMZ. Without overloads the supplies (bulk brews and restores) will not be worth the cost.
I think the Z hasta should suffer the 50% damage reduction so that the main weapon used remains the z spear. Being able to use a DFS or a defender will make corp alot easier to kill
25-Jul-2014 12:01:31