So, Smouldering Lamps is back, as we have had weeks of 24/7 promotions. Pathetic, utterly and completely, absolutely pathetic.
24/7 promos again, constant overpowered XP-selling. Your promises in your monentisation statement like broken, crumpled, smashed and forgotten.
Confidence in your from your playerbase stands at an all-time low as your greed continues to show no bounds.
Watch me refuse to even open TH again while this idiotic promotion runs. Know that your continued greed will kill off this game eventually and will drive Mobile to failure.
But of course, neither you, the MTX team, nor the shareholders that control you and don't give two figs about gaming or the players, really will care, will you?
Honestly, it's shameful. This is why players put up with an inferior outdated 11 year old version of this game; because this kind of stupidity is not thrust down their throats constantly, because that Dev team does not lie to the players constantly.
If only we could make a JMod read through this thread so they can have to explain away on stream how it's been entirely broken within months.
25-Apr-2018 16:13:01