Since the introduction of the horrorwheel of yelps i knew it would only get worse. Now here we are. The point of no return. The vets saying their goodbyes and no new players taking up their place.
In the early days, a new update would create a an item that had appeal, and would allow you to show it off for months (godswords, dragon full armour set), now every week there is something new. The overflooding of these new items causes the value of all to disappear in the wind. A drop of water is only valuable in the desert, not in an ocean. Nvm the very rare occasion a piece of gamecontent reward gets the ability to be shown off.
Logically speaking, the lack of regular content is consistent with the view of a game at the end-of-development. Older players who won't buy into the MTX-circus. And new players who are encouraged to do buy into it, as to progress their character asap. The game has like 4 years of content for new players. But to older players it only has weeks' of new content. Which is prlly why vets are getting the boot. But without those older players, the new players wont be encouraged to stay. Which puts us where we are now. The well of ways to attract outside new players has been drying up. The board members of the company is least interested on the wellbeing of the game, just their profit margin, wanting a bit more each year.
So, what to expect when it all comes crashing down? The management sells it off? again? If so u might only hope it will be taken over by a game developper this time. As that is what it would take to revive a gutted & bled out game. But most likely they will let it run on automatic pilot like, until only ghosts & NPC's inhabit this place (cfr. Funorb)
-- Spiffy --
24-Oct-2017 04:08:36