Hi everyone. I hopped back on Runscape after a 5 year break due to covid-19. After playing for three months the constant mtx treasure hunting gambing promotions were harming my inversion and general enjoyment.
Add an unsubscribe button to opt out of mtx promotions communication without a ironman account.
Below are my responses to how rs players view mtx.
Rs- Mtx is optional ignore it.
me- Marketing communications like emails have unsubscribe buttons. Jagex needs to add one for mtx.
Rs- Jagex needs mtx, lootboxes, and underage gambing to stay in business.
me- Appartenly its not enough because rs is launching on steam with toxic discussions brewing in the community hub.
Rs- Make an iron made account.
me- Then I can't buy and sell from the G.E which hurts the rs economy and prices.
Rs- Go play old school rs
me- I played old school for 80+ hours already. I prefer rs3 plus it has many more skills.
Rs- Go take break
Me- Im going too.
Have a great day
09-Oct-2020 18:25:55