
Smouldering Key Packages

Quick find code: 366-367-576-66116398



Posts: 231 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
TinyThi3f said :

I believe you're forgetting how elitist the remaining community is. People don't even go "f2p for a bit" anymore. That's the minority. For most of us, it's like "Once you go p2p, you never go back".
Most people are "stuck" in p2p currently, and many are leaving because of the bonds' prices in combination with how bad moneymaking has become for those who don't wish to do combat. Bonds costing twice as much as they used to and skilling earning you half of what it used to means you have to do four times the work to keep up as someone who isn't into combat/doesn't enjoy it.
Additionally, pretty much everyone who can afford to, buys gold premier club membership for the benefits and all. Like 4 out of 5 of my buddies or more have it, for instance, and to think I mostly hang out with "noobs" like myself... (I have it as well.)
Bonds this year will be hitting 25m+ most likely. Probably more during the Gold Premier Club promo and a month before that or two. Expect a few more players leaving.
I've thought about this countless times, and honestly, I don't believe there's any proper solution to this.
I was thinking that a solution may have been buying membership with real money, but chances are they'll just buy less bonds and the price will remain the same.
Also, the thing for me personally is, if I'm going to spend RL money on a game, I might as well spend it in another game where it's more enjoyable rather than this sh--hole of a game we're left with, for more reasons than I can list, ranging from Jagex becoming a careless money-hungry company to this game being quite dead/boring. New updates suck.

Regardless - to stay on topic: I'm 100% against gambling. Selling XP directly is preferred. They should have done this long ago. They should remove things like staking in the Duel Arena too tbh, but then again, the entire f-ing game is based on RNG, so it's pointless to even try. RS has become Aids, no matter how you look at it.

23-Aug-2019 11:52:52



Posts: 231 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
^Character limit

Lastly, I wanted to say that for many of us, it's like we've returned to rs "way too late" and "pausing" at this time is not an option, with things like rares inflating as quickly as they currently do. It would allow others to take advantage of us in many ways. Also, for collectors such as myself, it's not an option either. The year I miss out on discontinued cosmetics and such, is the year I leave RS. I've already missed way too much to the point I'm borderline quitting. And not only cosmetics - things that earn you a lot of money too. I missed the Zombie Walk promo, for instance, and look at the price of that damn token now. Hitting 1 billion soon.
One would think Jagex haven't learnt from their mistakes seeing what happened to Phats and such, but no, they see that they are one of the reasons the elitists in this game exist and spend so much money on the game, and they love it. They want to be "rewarding" to old players so that they'll never leave. And while they could have done that in other ways - giving people discontinued things that wouldn't affect the economy - they chose the easy way I guess.

Long story short, this game is hopeless, it's bound to go this way, there's no going back.
Don't expect to hear it from the elitists on the forums/reddit though. The majority of these people consists of old players that never left, maxed, with 120s, with 200m exp, completionist capes, etc. You get the idea. They haven't got much to do in-game so they hang out around the forums and try to get known so they can flex on people. They'll die if they don't get enough attention/get people to see their "great achievements" in this game.

23-Aug-2019 11:59:35 - Last edited on 23-Aug-2019 12:03:57 by Nightwalker



Posts: 41,301 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
TinyThi3f said :
@Blackwing, as much as I hate agreeing with Draco he kind of has a point this time. The only way they’re going to realise is if people stop paying membership. Maybe go f2p for a little bit?

There's actually another way to outsmart Jagex when it comes to membership payments than just not buying at all. I can't really explain it because to do so would force me to share personal information that I don't wish to leave out for the public, but I can give a few hints for how you might figure it out yourself:

1. Jagex expects you to buy gold premier club every year. (Notice that I don't have it.)
2. Jagex plans its budget for 2 years at a time.
3. Jagex is heavily focusing on short term monetization.

Basically, any non-premier club member you see could be using the same trick I am, so while it wouldn't hurt to check those people as well, what you really want to aim for is educating people with gold premier membership, since they play right into Jagex's pocket without question.
"Volat Accipiter libera est; venandi sua natura est."
~Accipiter striatus

23-Aug-2019 13:48:16

fmod Member


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TinyThi3f said :
@Blackwing, as much as I hate agreeing with Draco he kind of has a point this time. The only way they’re going to realise is if people stop paying membership. Maybe go f2p for a little bit?

@Jagex I actually want to be a member again but your practices atm are awful, sorry.

At this point, I'd be willing to wager the amount Jagex gets in membership is a drop in a bucket compared to the revenue they get from selling bonds, and Treasure Hunter keys.
Forum Moderator

23-Aug-2019 14:18:19



Posts: 231 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Theos said :
TinyThi3f said :
@Blackwing, as much as I hate agreeing with Draco he kind of has a point this time. The only way they’re going to realise is if people stop paying membership. Maybe go f2p for a little bit?

@Jagex I actually want to be a member again but your practices atm are awful, sorry.

At this point, I'd be willing to wager the amount Jagex gets in membership is a drop in a bucket compared to the revenue they get from selling bonds, and Treasure Hunter keys.

People don't seem to realize that those who use bonds for membership, th keys, runecoins, etc. (and are the reason so many bonds are bought off jagex and sold to the G.E.) are earning Jagex far more money than those buying membership directly. As about those buying things directly, like keys, they still earn Jagex more money than what they earn from selling membership, as you stated.
If these bond consumers (myself included) were to buy membership directly, they'd crash bonds (because there are lots of them around currently), even if the price would remain the same afterwards and there simply would be less bonds around.
Thing is, as I stated in my previous posts, lots of people (myself included) are on RS because they don't have to pay rl money. Not because they can't afford it, but because they just don't want to spend rl money on games. If I end up being forced to spend money in a game, personally, it surely won't be RS.
Jagex had better do something about the bonds' prices soon - like make membership cheaper so that more people will choose that over bonds perhaps - before those like me having to grind for the bonds grow tired of the grind and leave. I'm borderline quitting myself, knowing this year I have to sell rares to buy gold premier cause I didn't save up 20 bonds (or like 500m) thanks to how bad money skilling has become, along with not playing enough due to the new updates being unappealing to me.

23-Aug-2019 14:31:02 - Last edited on 23-Aug-2019 14:38:28 by Nightwalker

Aug Member 2023


Posts: 560 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I understand that this post will be lost to time and may never be read by someone who is able to make changes for the better but I have a story to tell, about a game I loved.

I have played rs since I was 12 years old, the game has changed who I am by learning about the positive and negative people who you can meet, as i played the game and inspired my personality and character.
I had previously fallen for some of the easiest to see scams possible, in my earlier years and seen friends, over a wire, spend hours helping others out for nothing more than a thank you and a good thought. I have tried to live my life by the mantra of “do for those, what you would like for yourself”, and with a sensible head, it has served me well and this is because of RuneScape.

I thought myself un-scamable. The day of the squeal of fortune hit, and I didn’t realise how poisonous it would be for me. I was a young man, regular job, so I threw some money into it. I bought a small amount of keys to try it out. I didn’t realise it then but at that point I was hooked. I was buying the larger packs of spins every time I had spare cash spending literally all I could to try and get something rare. In that space of 2-3 months I had spent over £800 on micro transactions and I wouldn’t have stopped if it wasn’t for my father opening a bank statement by mistake and asking me do I know what I am doing.

All I saw was payments of £49.99 leaving my account in a massive string, it was the only thing I was spending other than bills. At this point I knew I had to stop. I had to find a way out. It was at this point that I quit the game. Because of the hot reaction I had to the micro transactions, I couldn’t resist them as they were the biggest advantage in the game. This experience changed me as a person.

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23-Aug-2019 15:21:56 - Last edited on 23-Aug-2019 15:24:23 by Nobularlol

Aug Member 2023


Posts: 560 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The second part of this story hit when I saw other people falling into the same cycle a few years after this happened to me.

The problem I had is when I worked out what was happening to me, that I was addicted, at the time, I didn’t feel angry at the existence of the MTX, I felt shame, I felt so shameful that I couldn’t talk to anyone about it. I felt as if, if I talk to anyone about this, I will be ostracised from my community, shown for the fool that I felt I was, ridiculed and displayed to all as everything I didn’t want to be. Someone who was scammed repeatedly.

This experience why I am so perplexed when I see moderators and development staff shrugging off comments about MTX as “unfortunate” or ghost them completely, because it’s seen as “negative PR”. In doing this they have aided the culture that we are in today surrounding these purchases.

I would hope to see others feel empowered in the knowledge that if they have come to the realisation that this type of practice isn’t healthy, that these forms of gameplay linked payments are poison to them, then they have the full respect from me and the many others that suffer from addictive tendencies. Because saying it out loud is the hardest part and not seeing what you have done as your shame, but theirs(points and jagex)

Every time I see an update or think that it might be ok I have the runescape 3 account to remind me that I need to stay focused and away from this sort of stuff.
When I log on I have a full bank of useless boxes, cosmetic masks, lucky items, bonus do necks, bonus do when items when skilling, tattoos, my bank is full of this stuff. I keep it all, to remind me that this isn’t right, this isn’t what good people do to one another, and that any company that I am required to keep my guard up isn’t a friend.

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23-Aug-2019 15:23:17 - Last edited on 23-Aug-2019 15:25:10 by Nobularlol

Aug Member 2023


Posts: 560 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
One day it will come back to haunt the people who abused it, I am sure.

Finally, I know that these forums are not what they once where and this will be lost to time but I have made my peace with everything that was done. One day the others will too. I write this because I really care. Not because I am careless.

If anyone wants to talk about their experiences I am always available to talk when online in game.

Thank you

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23-Aug-2019 15:25:23 - Last edited on 23-Aug-2019 15:25:55 by Nobularlol



Posts: 441 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This is literally what made thousands of people quit the game, and will continue to do so. You're creating your own inevitable demise Jagex, when you could be listening to the community and naturally growing the player base

23-Aug-2019 16:24:29

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