Now I'd like the make a jump based on the manner at which Xau-Tak affects his followers.
Because the above boils down to one thing: control. So an interesting possibility dawned me: does Xau-Tak share a relation with Zaros?
This is where things start to get interesting: we know that Seren cast away some of her darker parts which ended up becoming the Dark Lord. Would it then not be reasonable to think Zaros can do the same. In terms of motive we do not have to search far: Zaros is not too fond of his "ability" to compel others into doing his bidding.
(Zaros in regards to his power)
Read the above carefully, and you might notice something important: I am unable to rid myself of this... ability . We are talking about Zaros, a god who strifes for seemingly impossible feats: creating life akin to the elder gods, joining their rank, saving the Illujanka. And here he says he is incapable of changing himself. Doesn't that mean he has at least gone through some attempts?
Soo... what if: Zaros at one point of his eons of travel came to find the world of Jermyn and, in an attempt to rid himself of his ability to incite unquestionable obedience in his followers, tried to cast away part of himself in that very lake. Only to then become what we now know as Xau-Tak, a being that feeds himself on followers which get trapped in its influence.
Now that would be one hell of an origin of Xau-Tak and would make him all the more dangerous. I can think of quite a few ways how this can be incorporated in future storylines. Then again it is just a theory "One should not mindlessly follow gods or the godless:
~Big Storms
Because the above boils down to one thing: control. So an interesting possibility dawned me: does Xau-Tak share a relation with Zaros?
This is where things start to get interesting: we know that Seren cast away some of her darker parts which ended up becoming the Dark Lord. Would it then not be reasonable to think Zaros can do the same. In terms of motive we do not have to search far: Zaros is not too fond of his "ability" to compel others into doing his bidding.
(Zaros in regards to his power)
"It is not something I have control of – it is something that was done to me by Mah. I am unable to rid myself of this... ability, but I must live with it."
"Yes. It is one of the reasons I chose to withdraw from my own empire. I find the idea of coercing another mind to be... distasteful."
Read the above carefully, and you might notice something important: I am unable to rid myself of this... ability . We are talking about Zaros, a god who strifes for seemingly impossible feats: creating life akin to the elder gods, joining their rank, saving the Illujanka. And here he says he is incapable of changing himself. Doesn't that mean he has at least gone through some attempts?
Soo... what if: Zaros at one point of his eons of travel came to find the world of Jermyn and, in an attempt to rid himself of his ability to incite unquestionable obedience in his followers, tried to cast away part of himself in that very lake. Only to then become what we now know as Xau-Tak, a being that feeds himself on followers which get trapped in its influence.
Now that would be one hell of an origin of Xau-Tak and would make him all the more dangerous. I can think of quite a few ways how this can be incorporated in future storylines. Then again it is just a theory "One should not mindlessly follow gods or the godless:
~Big Storms
13-Mar-2018 10:24:59 - Last edited on 13-Mar-2018 10:26:13 by Big Storms