Looking back, another thing I find weird is that the vampire's absence caused a problem when it came to dealing with Saradomin's aerial soldiers. Saradomin himself had lost the Icyene at this point due to the genocide of Hallowvale and even if he didn't, the Avernic have wings too. If anything, I would think Zamorak would be having more problems with Armadyl, assuming the Aviansie hadn't died yet.
@Hguoh It's late, so I'm going to have to check later but doesn't Forinthry expand past the current Wilderness and comprise of Varrock area, Senntisten and such? Pretty much the border above the desert? With the assumption in mind, it would be vital to hold unless they could access the desert and cross the salve from there.
Largely ignored? Didn't that war effort last at least hundreds of years? Also of course it was mostly humans...Saradomin's army was mostly human, the Icyene were bordering extinction, and the Centuars might have been bordering extinction depending on the timeline. What other race is there?
I'm aware the stone was in Morytania at one point. But where was it indicated that it was in the third age? As far as I could tell, Drakan held on to it between the time Zamorak found it and the time of the actual rebellion.
Regardless of how odd you find it, we know he put it there for a fact. There's no disputing it, we saw it there. We know it's been kept a secret. Even Zilyana didn't find out about it until the end of the war when Saradomin had no choice. The idea that it somehow managed to trade hands without anyone finding out is....well far fetched to say the least.
Runescape doesn't need a hero...it needs a villain. An all encompassing force of evil that will remain ever-threatening and use chaos to make the peoples of Gielinor tolerate each other, grow strong together, and fight side by side against this evil. I am that villain.
15-Mar-2018 08:21:42