He is disappointed that players didnt make him an additional set of pants while weaving the simulacrum for Zaros. They should've realized that the sight of his lord would have, in Sliske's words, caused him to have "an accident".
Azzanadra is disappointed that you imply that every time he sees his Lordship Zaros he soils himself. He's further disappointed that you think he soiled himself that day because he saw Zaros when in fact it was because I had put Laxatives into his food the night before as a prank.
....I just realized that Azzanadra had never found out who exactly put those laxatives in his food... looks like I'm gonna get pretzel'd again.
Azzanadra is disappointed that
a. you don't know that the Mahjarrat don't eat (and therefore can't soil themselves)
b. you think you could ever prank him
c. even if you could prank him, you'd dare to even try
d. and if you do, of all the possible days you take the day when he's to meet his Lord again to do it
The Green World Guardian of Guthix and of Gielinor
Azzanadra is disappointed that this phrase doesn't have a Know Your Meme page.
Azzanadra is disappointed that you haven't created a Know Your Meme page for this phrase.
Furthermore, he's disappointed that you wish to make a meme out of him and not Zaros.
Azzanadra called us close. He then bellowed at the top of his lungs "
Don't disappoint me or you shall suffer the consequences!