There are no purple beads in game actually...
the best disappointments are where there's no option to not disappoint Azzanadra
Azzanadra is further disappointed by the fact we are inching closer and closer to the thread page limit. We're going to need to make a new thread to document his disappointments one day.
I didn't know there was one... I guess that explains all the 'blah blah blah v2' things
Azzanadra is disappointed that you don't know the page 51 monster is Zaros and is further disappointed that you don't feed him this delicious thread
Azzanadra was almost pleased when he learned that I helped Wendy with turning cats to purple. But he was utterly disappointed when he found out that this had nothing to do with Zaros.
"Congratulations, you have just earned 200,000,000 XP in your disappointment level."
"Congratulations, you have unlocked a new title: 'the Disappointed'."
The Green World Guardian of Guthix and of Gielinor
Azzanadra is dissapointed that pleasing him isn't a comp req.
You haven't completed the game without pleasing Azzanadra on every level.
This req will be harder to get than the raid boss kill req.
DP zarosian
Azzanadra is dissapointed that pleasing him isn't a comp req.
You haven't completed the game without pleasing Azzanadra on every level.
This req will be harder to get than the raid boss kill req.
Azzanadra is disappointed that my dirty mind is kicking in and making me taking the phrase "Pleasing Azzanadra on every level" in an...interesting way.
Azzanadra called us close. He then bellowed at the top of his lungs "
Don't disappoint me or you shall suffer the consequences!
DP zarosian
Azzanadra is dissapointed that pleasing him isn't a comp req.
You haven't completed the game without pleasing Azzanadra on every level.
This req will be harder to get than the raid boss kill req.
Azzanadra is disappointed that my dirty mind is kicking in and making me taking the phrase "Pleasing Azzanadra on every level" in an...interesting way.
"Me: Zaros said he needed my help?
Azzanad*a: Er... something like that. In any case, you are most definitely needed."
Should this suddenly start to sound... worrying?
(Especially if one thinks about the 'being locked up alone in a pyramid for 3000 years' part...)
The Green World Guardian of Guthix and of Gielinor
DP zarosian
Azzanadra is dissapointed that pleasing him isn't a comp req.
You haven't completed the game without pleasing Azzanadra on every level.
This req will be harder to get than the raid boss kill req.
Azzanadra is disappointed that my dirty mind is kicking in and making me taking the phrase "Pleasing Azzanadra on every level" in an...interesting way.
"Me: Zaros said he needed my help?
Azzanad*a: Er... something like that. In any case, you are most definitely needed."
Should this suddenly start to sound... worrying?
(Especially if one thinks about the 'being locked up alone in a pyramid for 3000 years' part...)
Well his mahjarrat hoodie has 2 horns so you can say he's pretty well horned.
DP zarosian
Azzanadra is pleased that i think his hat is awesome and that i would like a copy of it.
Seriously tho, i would totally wear that hood irl.
Azzanadra is disappointed that you would consider demeaning both his position in the church and Zaros by wearing a hat reserved for pontifex maximus as you are not pontifex.