Azzanadra is disappointed that you could not recall a single action that you caused or event that happened that would have made him disappointed. The list of things that disappoint him is huge, and yet you are so disappointing in this act of not recalling a potential disappointment.
Azzanadra called us close. He then bellowed at the top of his lungs "
Don't disappoint me or you shall suffer the consequences!
Azzanadra is also disappointed that you snuck in to West Ardougne in order to rescue Elena during Plague City instead of sneaking into Freneskae to rescue Zaros.
Azzanadra is disappointed that I haven't championed the Zarosian cause to defeat Tuska, even though I was ready to do so. Soran not allowing me to do so has made Azzanad*a extremely disappointed in me. Don't blame me Azzanadra, for just this once it isn't my fault!
Azzanadra called us close. He then bellowed at the top of his lungs "
Don't disappoint me or you shall suffer the consequences!
Azzanadra is disappointed that I am amused by people arguing on the forums. In a breaking development, he is further upset (overuse of the word "disappoint"
) that I broke the 4th wall. Now I am ashamed because Azzy is shamed by me.
Roses are pink
Violets are violet
The WG is a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence.
03-Jun-2015 02:32:57
- Last edited on
03-Jun-2015 02:33:23
Nature Rosa