Ancient Drew
Azzanadra is disappointed that the Enchanted Key can't take you to Senntisten.
I am also disappointed by that, actually. I'd love a Making/Meeting History continuation that involved going back to Senntisten in the height of it's glory, and then in its last days before destruction. It'd be a great way to learn about what happened there... We could even get to meet a few characters that we've met in our time, while trying not to @#$% up the space-time continuum by revealing anything about the future to them.
OR BETTER YET, we DO @#$% up and reveal a very important detail about the future to someone like, say, Sliske or Azzanadra.. and then create an alternate-present where something went differently in history, and then we have to solve a few things to get the Key back so we can go back in time and stop ourselves from revealing anything.
That sounds like a fun quest actually.... RUNELABS!
Zaros is disappointed that Azzanadra is too busy being disappointed with mortal matters instead of finding the Elder Halls, and actually doing something useful.
Azzanadra is disappointed that you think he's not multifunctional enough to still keep an eye on us and be disappointed in our almost every move whilst searching for the Elder Halls.
Ancient Drew
Azzanadra is disappointed that the Enchanted Key can't take you to Senntisten.
I am also disappointed by that, actually. I'd love a Making/Meeting History continuation that involved going back to Senntisten in the height of it's glory, and then in its last days before destruction. It'd be a great way to learn about what happened there... We could even get to meet a few characters that we've met in our time, while trying not to @#$% up the space-time continuum by revealing anything about the future to them.
OR BETTER YET, we DO @#$% up and reveal a very important detail about the future to someone like, say, Sliske or Azzanadra.. and then create an alternate-present where something went differently in history, and then we have to solve a few things to get the Key back so we can go back in time and stop ourselves from revealing anything.
That sounds like a fun quest actually.... RUNELABS!
I am disappointed in you for reading my mind.
Except for the alternate universe part, though as an in-game quest, that might work better. Anyways, yes, it'd be nice to have a quest that takes us to 2nd Age Senntisten. Actually, Azzanadra is disappointed that there's no quest yet that takes us to 2nd Age Senntisten, so we could see the glory days with our own eyes.
The Green World Guardian of Guthix and of Gielinor
10-May-2016 12:27:42
- Last edited on
10-May-2016 12:33:22
that would be kind of nifty, but... there's no way senntisten would look glorious enough if it's only used as part of a single quest... or even a questline
Zaxil Nox
Azzanadra is disappointed that you didn't persuade Kerapac to create Dark Simulacrum dragons during One of a Kind
since kerapac came into the game, I've seen him as the azzanadra of the dragonkin
I wonder if they'd get along... oh wait, no, probably not
Maiden China
Zaxil Nox
Azzanadra is disappointed that you didn't persuade Kerapac to create Dark Simulacrum dragons during One of a Kind
since kerapac came into the game, I've seen him as the azzanadra of the dragonkin
I wonder if they'd get along... oh wait, no, probably not
wahi and kerapac are far more similar
Azzanadra is disappointed you would compare him to a Dragonkin.
Also, Kerapac says "No."
Azzanadra is disappointed you would compare him to a Dragonkin.
Also, Kerapac says "No."
oh, no doubt kerapac would be also
the similarity is that at first you're meeting all these notsonice mahjarrat/dragonkin and then one comes along you can have an actual conversation with... and in that way they're similar
Maiden China
Azzanadra is disappointed you would compare him to a Dragonkin.
Also, Kerapac says "No."
oh, no doubt kerapac would be also
the similarity is that at first you're meeting all these notsonice mahjarrat/dragonkin and then one comes along you can have an actual conversation with... and in that way they're similar
This time, it's Wahisietel and Kharsai who are disappointed.
The Green World Guardian of Guthix and of Gielinor
Maiden China
Azzanadra is disappointed you would compare him to a Dragonkin.
Also, Kerapac says "No."
oh, no doubt kerapac would be also
the similarity is that at first you're meeting all these notsonice mahjarrat/dragonkin and then one comes along you can have an actual conversation with... and in that way they're similar
This time, it's Wahisietel and Kharsai who are disappointed.
The problem is, Azzanadra is still probably the nicest Mahjarrat. True, if you sabotaged Zaros he kinda hates you, but the only reason Wahisietel isn't mad at you for it is because he doesn't know. Besides, when was the last time Wahisietel taught you awesome new spells/prayers?
azzy is more of a friend to the player than wahi is
wahi probably thinks friends are just old wives tales used to scare young mahjarrat and don't actually exist in reality