Azzanadra may not be disappointed after we fill him in info about the Elder gods after Heart of Stone. However, Azzanadra is disappointed that this week's patches didn't have anything that supported the cause of Zaros and is even more disappointed that I have Athena Cykes pointing at this very forum...*phone rings* One moment please
*to Azzanadra* no,she is not carrying an Amulet of Zaros,it's Widget and the badge she has on her school uniform is not the Zarosian Symbol,it's Themis Legal Academy. And no,she is not a student there, she just likes to wear it, okay?! ok,I understand... *ends phone call*
well, it seems that Azzanadra became deeply disappointed when I made this ridicilous Post that Broke the 4th wall. I am now to be named, Lo Da Gal,the Wallbreaker of utter disappointment. End quote
2 things you should know about me:
I am not a fan of Anime but I am a proud Pegasister!