Temekel is disappointed that Azzanadra has the gall to have his own disappointed thread. As if Azzy was ever better than the Temmeister.
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in
Naval Cataclysm!
Ancient Drew
Temekel is disappointed that Azzanadra has the gall to have his own disappointed thread. As if Azzy was ever better than the Temmeister.
First people not showing up for months, then this. Azzanadra is outraged.
The Green World Guardian of Guthix and of Gielinor
This joke stopped being funny a long time ago. Can we please get a lock on this thing? It's already been necro'ed at least once already.
will never stop being funny
(to me, at least, and the lore forum is so dead it barely matters)
Ancient Drew
This joke stopped being funny a long time ago. Can we please get a lock on this thing? It's already been necro'ed at least once already.
It's Azzanadra's wight. He's been disappointed with it since he made it undead.
Hm, I thought dealing with wights was rather Sliske's thing.
The Green World Guardian of Guthix and of Gielinor