Azzanadra is disappointed that you don't think he's strong enough to just use Ice Barrage on the flames.
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in
Naval Cataclysm!
Azzanadra was really looking forward to the dxp weekend, envisioning all the people at Senntisten, rebuilding the city for construction xp and praying at the Zaros altar 24/7 to level prayer, for 3 whole days.
So today he was very disappointed to see that no one actually showed up.
The Green World Guardian of Guthix and of Gielinor
Azzanadra was really looking forward to the dxp weekend, envisioning all the people at Senntisten, rebuilding the city for construction xp and praying at the Zaros altar 24/7 to level prayer, for 3 whole days.
So today he was very disappointed to see that no one actually showed up.
actually feel sorry for him... so alone...
Azzanadra is disappointed that they're not doing this to Zaros.
Azzanadra is disappointed because he fails to see how this would benefit the Empty Lord in any way. He still thinks that it'd be better if those girls grabbed a shovel and finally started to dig up Senntisten instead.
Maiden China
Azzanadra was really looking forward to the dxp weekend, envisioning all the people at Senntisten, rebuilding the city for construction xp and praying at the Zaros altar 24/7 to level prayer, for 3 whole days.
So today he was very disappointed to see that no one actually showed up.
actually feel sorry for him... so alone...
"I'm so ronery, so ronery, so ronery and sad, rear row..."
(Azzanadra is disappointed that I mock his solitude. And this song would be more fitting for Sliske anyway.)
The Green World Guardian of Guthix and of Gielinor