On holiday from 2nd to 16th. No replies from me in that time.
Yo post your blog or thread first
It's on my blog. Tweeted at you. I can't believe I wasn't following you. I thought I was. Loads of autocorrect mistakes and extra letters and stupid stuff. Will correct.
On holiday from 2nd to 16th. No replies from me in that time.
Yo post your blog or thread first
It's on my blog. Tweeted at you. I can't believe I wasn't following you. I thought I was. Loads of autocorrect mistakes and extra letters and stupid stuff. Will correct.
IIRC Ariane said something about teleport spells takibg years to be attuned to a certain location and blah blah blah but in the temple of ikov the witch easily teleports you across a gap. Is this a lore fail?
I believe there is a difference between short-distance teleports and long-distance teleports. It is easy to teleport to a place which you can see, it is more difficult to teleport to a place which you can only imagine.
That would be what I would assume too if she didn't respond with the magical lesson after she was asked why she couldn't teleport us across a similar (smaller, actually) gap. (could have worded that better)
I have noticed your kind does tend to blindly stumble forward towards danger simply because it exists. What is your word for that?
Yes the Azzanadra destroying the Armies I remember reading that some where btu I am not sure where it is located anymore cause that was one of the main reason I followed Zaros was cause Azzanadra was so O.P and so was Nex
If there's a boss I can slay it if there's a skilling pet I can find it!
DJ Nathaniel
Yes the Azzanadra destroying the Armies I remember reading that some where btu I am not sure where it is located anymore cause that was one of the main reason I followed Zaros was cause Azzanadra was so O.P and so was Nex
Its mentioned on the wiki quite a few times but it doesn't actually provide a source.
Helring ressurected the thread before I could it seems like.
DJ Nathaniel
Yes the Azzanadra destroying the Armies I remember reading that some where btu I am not sure where it is located anymore cause that was one of the main reason I followed Zaros was cause Azzanadra was so O.P and so was Nex
Its mentioned on the wiki quite a few times but it doesn't actually provide a source.
Anyway I suppose I can answer questions that were asked years ago to jump start this thing. It's in Kharshai's memory. It specifically mentions Azzy destroying armies. There's probably a few other sources but that's the one I can remember.
I have noticed your kind does tend to blindly stumble forward towards danger simply because it exists. What is your word for that?