
Official Lore FC!

Quick find code: 341-342-647-65739374

Nov Member 2018


Posts: 981 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i don't visit the fc anymore and this is the first time i have posted in half a year.

this issue has happened more than once and nothing new has come out of it.
i see paladin almost daily on w70 and he never speaks or responds to my knowledge.
I'm not quite sure why he only faction bashes on social media and not in game, i mean
i cant even go on reddit without seeing #stopsaradomin plastered on every post that
has some reference. i dont involve myself with the lore community and i still cant escape
his bullshit. if you want this to end then just perm ban him or expect more drama that the drama fc is known for, I'm glad its not my problem anymore but i want a peace of mind too ya know. :|

07-Dec-2016 06:06:21 - Last edited on 07-Dec-2016 06:11:03 by Tempra

Jaina Katarn

Jaina Katarn

Posts: 35 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ancient Drew said :
I know that was a bit random of me earlier but I just wanted to apologise for causing any trouble.

As far as I know, you didn't do anything wrong. All you did was make a forum thread and share a theory, from what you mentioned--I don't think you have anything to worry about.
Zarosian lorehound
~ ~Self-proclaimed #1

The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction has to make sense.

07-Dec-2016 10:25:29



Posts: 2,236 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Half Centaur said :

The kick was utterly unjustified. Look at the screen shots- Paladin wasn't even the only one trolling about Saradomin.

Making fun of Saradomin doesn't even count as trolling or starting drama. After Sky "warned him" we even changed topic.

There's an issue because the kick was unwarranted. I even told Sky this while he was warning him. We make fun of characters and elements of the game all the time, and I refuse to accept that when someone decides to make fun of Saradomin, we all have to get down on our knees and kick whoever dare disagree with the groupthink. It's ridiculous.

Did you even look at the screenshots?

Sky was starting more drama by insulting him and calling him a troll anyway, Paladin brought up something about Saradomin and Tuska, then Sky turns around, says he's tired of his fanfiction and faction bashing, brings up Paladin's guide for some reason, then says its filled with lies- then kicks Paladin. It was bizarre. That's why I'm disappointed.

No one is saying you can't bash Saradomin it happens all the time and no one gets kicked because you can have any opinion you want on him lol bashing Saradomin is the calling card of the fc its almost a past time at this point and no one is saying you can't do that

As I have pointed out and now looks like others have chimed in on this one person only faction bashes and takes it way beyond the game itself I don't see an issue with sky discerning that kicking some one before they caused a real @#$%-fest (which it looks he was trying to do that ) is an issue.

You can be disappointed with him all you want you can agree with what paladin was saying but at the end of the day he has built his own reputation for this kind of stuff especially when it comes to Saradomin Sky just kicked him before he started a @#$%-fest.
Saradomin Lore clan
- Aegis of Saradomin

07-Dec-2016 13:03:35

Jaina Katarn

Jaina Katarn

Posts: 35 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
So I might as well weigh in on the matter of the drama too...

It looks to me like it had little to do with faction-bashing and differences of opinion and everything to do with Paladin being an obnoxious troll who does nothing but shit-stir and annoy people. I don't even like Saradomin or most of his major (character) followers that much and I think Paladin is obnoxious and annoying, and that he needs to cut it out with his usual song and dance. He might be a milder and less toxic troll than Egg was (and I've already apologized profusely for not coming clean about that when I should've but I'm digressing), but he's still being disruptive and getting on people's nerves--and I might also add that nobody else who was joining in on the Sara dumping got kicked, so it's clear to me that that wasn't the reason for it.

I know some of you are probably gonna say I'm a bit biased or even that I'm white-knighting, but frankly, we all got tired of dealing with one obnoxious annoying troll. I can't blame people for being tired of another obnoxious annoying troll, either. (I might also note that Egg, after being banned, realized he needed to stop being a troll and took steps to do so. Paladin may be able to reform himself as well if he clearly sees his behavior is bad.)
Zarosian lorehound
~ ~Self-proclaimed #1

The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction has to make sense.

07-Dec-2016 13:48:00 - Last edited on 07-Dec-2016 13:53:48 by Jaina Katarn



Posts: 2,236 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Jaina Katarn said :
So I might as well weigh in on the matter of the drama too...

It looks to me like it had little to do with faction-bashing and differences of opinion and everything to do with Paladin being an obnoxious troll who does nothing but shit-stir and annoy people. I don't even like Saradomin or most of his major (character) followers that much and I think Paladin is obnoxious and annoying, and that he needs to cut it out with his usual song and dance. He might be a milder and less toxic troll than Egg was (and I've already apologized profusely for not coming clean about that when I should've but I'm digressing), but he's still being disruptive and getting on people's nerves--and I might also add that nobody else who was joining in on the Sara dumping got kicked, so it's clear to me that that wasn't the reason for it.

I know some of you are probably gonna say I'm a bit biased or even that I'm white-knighting, but frankly, we all got tired of dealing with one obnoxious annoying troll. I can't blame people for being tired of another obnoxious annoying troll, either. (I might also note that Egg, after being banned, realized he needed to stop being a troll and took steps to do so. Paladin may be able to reform himself as well if he clearly sees his behavior is bad.)

To be honest the ones with paladin look way more reminiscent of old school factioneering we got hazeel paladin uni and half not that, that is a problem or anything just found it kind of ironic :)
Saradomin Lore clan
- Aegis of Saradomin

07-Dec-2016 14:10:22

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 5,206 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It looks like Jex was trying to do the right thing. It also looks like there is a lot of bias against Paladin and as a result Paladin was unfairly kicked. Unfortunately, I don't think this bias is going to go away any time soon so this could continue to be a reoccuring issue. Due to this potentiallity I think it's a valid belief that in order to keep the peace we have to do something. Usually the way we handle this is to punish the power abuser but like I said I think Jex believed he was doing the right thing so I don't want to punish him for that.

Easiest solution that takes all these factors into consideration is to make paladin a general. Then no matter what level any biases against him is, he cannot be unfairly kicked and we don't have to punish Jex. Personally, I've seen Paladin be a moderator in the Zarosian FC and I thought he did a good job back then. We could add some stipulations however to him being a general. Perhaps it's only offered with the understanding that he isn't to kick someone, or maybe he's just not allowed to kick Saradominists due to his history of non personal (though some of you claim you think he personally has something against Saradomin and his player followers, personally I never got that feeling but w/e) trolling of an npc.

If you are worried about having too many generals he can have my general position. It's not like I actually do anything

07-Dec-2016 16:51:50 - Last edited on 07-Dec-2016 16:53:22 by Cthris



Posts: 6,735 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The problem is...

1) Jexel was the only person getting pissed at Paladin. He was serving his own interests.

2) Saradomin was dropped when Paladin was kicked.

3) There are plenty of people--myself included--who are known for bashing a particular God all the time. Believe it or not, I'm not trying to rustle Armadylean jimmies when I bash Armadyl. I just really don't like him. =P

...For ROP, though, I will admit I'm trolling.

Anyway I heard from Dethal and the issue has, more or less, been sorted for the time being.
Runescape doesn't need a needs a villain. An all encompassing force of evil that will remain ever-threatening and use chaos to make the peoples of Gielinor tolerate each other, grow strong together, and fight side by side against this evil. I am that villain.

07-Dec-2016 17:14:22



Posts: 2,236 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Cthris said :
It looks like Jex was trying to do the right thing. It also looks like there is a lot of bias against Paladin and as a result Paladin was unfairly kicked. Unfortunately, I don't think this bias is going to go away any time soon so this could continue to be a reoccuring issue. Due to this potentiallity I think it's a valid belief that in order to keep the peace we have to do something. Usually the way we handle this is to punish the power abuser but like I said I think Jex believed he was doing the right thing so I don't want to punish him for that.

Easiest solution that takes all these factors into consideration is to make paladin a general. Then no matter what level any biases against him is, he cannot be unfairly kicked and we don't have to punish Jex. Personally, I've seen Paladin be a moderator in the Zarosian FC and I thought he did a good job back then. We could add some stipulations however to him being a general. Perhaps it's only offered with the understanding that he isn't to kick someone, or maybe he's just not allowed to kick Saradominists due to his history of non personal (though some of you claim you think he personally has something against Saradomin and his player followers, personally I never got that feeling but w/e) trolling of an npc.

If you are worried about having too many generals he can have my general position. It's not like I actually do anything

Here is the thing though that's giving him some kind of special treatment which would be fine if he was completely innocent but in reality he isn't its not that people are bias against him it's that he made his own reputation. I'm a pretty chill guy and i don't let factions influence personal opinions but when you say people should die irl for being Saradominist thats genuinely disturbing lol
Saradomin Lore clan
- Aegis of Saradomin

07-Dec-2016 23:39:42



Posts: 2,236 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hazeel said :
The problem is...

1) Jexel was the only person getting pissed at Paladin. He was serving his own interests.

2) Saradomin was dropped when Paladin was kicked.

3) There are plenty of people--myself included--who are known for bashing a particular God all the time. Believe it or not, I'm not trying to rustle Armadylean jimmies when I bash Armadyl. I just really don't like him. =P

...For ROP, though, I will admit I'm trolling.

Anyway I heard from Dethal and the issue has, more or less, been sorted for the time being.

As we see from some of the bystander posters people like Morvek and Jaina people really do get annoyed by this because like I stated before he isnt jokingly faction bashing and its not an every now and then thing its literally all he does its not much different than what ancient did he just wants to start conflict

On a separate note I have seen you turn a lot more attention to Armadyl. And i honestly have a problem that you said "rustle armadylean jimmies" instead of "rustle armadylean feathers" like it almost hurts me that you didnt
Saradomin Lore clan
- Aegis of Saradomin

07-Dec-2016 23:43:22 - Last edited on 07-Dec-2016 23:45:12 by Raxxess

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