It looks like Jex was trying to do the right thing. It also looks like there is a lot of bias against Paladin and as a result Paladin was unfairly kicked. Unfortunately, I don't think this bias is going to go away any time soon so this could continue to be a reoccuring issue. Due to this potentiallity I think it's a valid belief that in order to keep the peace we have to do something. Usually the way we handle this is to punish the power abuser but like I said I think Jex believed he was doing the right thing so I don't want to punish him for that.
Easiest solution that takes all these factors into consideration is to make paladin a general. Then no matter what level any biases against him is, he cannot be unfairly kicked and we don't have to punish Jex. Personally, I've seen Paladin be a moderator in the Zarosian FC and I thought he did a good job back then. We could add some stipulations however to him being a general. Perhaps it's only offered with the understanding that he isn't to kick someone, or maybe he's just not allowed to kick Saradominists due to his history of non personal (though some of you claim you think he personally has something against Saradomin and his player followers, personally I never got that feeling but w/e) trolling of an npc.
If you are worried about having too many generals he can have my general position. It's not like I actually do anything
07-Dec-2016 16:51:50
- Last edited on
07-Dec-2016 16:53:22