Ladies, gentlemen, bigenders, trigenders, non-binaries, agenders, genderqueers, demiboys and demigirls of all ages, genderfluids, transvestites, and attack helicopters.
Hold your applause, boos--hey, put down those rotten tomatoes.
Whatever you have, hold it.
I give you me, a man of many names, the Deplorable, Lord of Edge, Warrior of the One True God, Saviour of Gielinor, Light of the West, Bringer of Facts, Triggerer of Trigglypuffs, Hoarder of Rare Pepes, Supreme Sh*tposter, Seductor of Waifus, etcetera, etcetera. But you mostly know me as the Amazing Aegon, or Percy, the guy obsessed with Ariane, enough to draw her in a bikini licking an orange creamsicle.
Yes, I, Aegon confess that I am that guy Percy. Before I go any further, I'd like to establish what I am not, because there's a lot of misconceptions about me, that should be cleared up.
1) A jerk. Hard to believe, I know. I spend most of my days acting like a total jackass, or "piece of sh**" as some would say. Yet, I've also shown my kinder, gentler side, as some (oi, Jaina, get in here) will tell you.
2) An obsessive, die hard Trump fan, contrary to what you see on my Twitter. I do support the God Emperor (or "Daddy" as some call him), but I don't 100% agree with him on everything (you'll have to ask me the specifics elsewhere, or else the fmods will come and hide this). In actuality, I'm not as vocal about Trump, and...(this will shock you), I don't even own a MAGA cap. Then again, I'm not American, so it's not like I can get one or vote for him. (But to be fair, caring about a foreign US election is justified, since my country does do quite a lot of business with them).
3) Alt right. This one's rather iffy. It depends on how you define it. If you think the alt right is r/the_donald, then yes, I am alt right. If you think it's not at all about civic nationalism, but ethnic nationalism, like r/altright believes, then no.
4) Some guy who spends his days ·
Hold your applause, boos--hey, put down those rotten tomatoes.
Whatever you have, hold it.
I give you me, a man of many names, the Deplorable, Lord of Edge, Warrior of the One True God, Saviour of Gielinor, Light of the West, Bringer of Facts, Triggerer of Trigglypuffs, Hoarder of Rare Pepes, Supreme Sh*tposter, Seductor of Waifus, etcetera, etcetera. But you mostly know me as the Amazing Aegon, or Percy, the guy obsessed with Ariane, enough to draw her in a bikini licking an orange creamsicle.
Yes, I, Aegon confess that I am that guy Percy. Before I go any further, I'd like to establish what I am not, because there's a lot of misconceptions about me, that should be cleared up.
1) A jerk. Hard to believe, I know. I spend most of my days acting like a total jackass, or "piece of sh**" as some would say. Yet, I've also shown my kinder, gentler side, as some (oi, Jaina, get in here) will tell you.
2) An obsessive, die hard Trump fan, contrary to what you see on my Twitter. I do support the God Emperor (or "Daddy" as some call him), but I don't 100% agree with him on everything (you'll have to ask me the specifics elsewhere, or else the fmods will come and hide this). In actuality, I'm not as vocal about Trump, and...(this will shock you), I don't even own a MAGA cap. Then again, I'm not American, so it's not like I can get one or vote for him. (But to be fair, caring about a foreign US election is justified, since my country does do quite a lot of business with them).
3) Alt right. This one's rather iffy. It depends on how you define it. If you think the alt right is r/the_donald, then yes, I am alt right. If you think it's not at all about civic nationalism, but ethnic nationalism, like r/altright believes, then no.
4) Some guy who spends his days ·
I wish I was in Dixie land
26-Oct-2016 18:23:58 - Last edited on 26-Oct-2016 18:25:03 by SwedishPagns