
Official Lore FC!

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Ladies, gentlemen, bigenders, trigenders, non-binaries, agenders, genderqueers, demiboys and demigirls of all ages, genderfluids, transvestites, and attack helicopters.

Hold your applause, boos--hey, put down those rotten tomatoes.

Whatever you have, hold it.

I give you me, a man of many names, the Deplorable, Lord of Edge, Warrior of the One True God, Saviour of Gielinor, Light of the West, Bringer of Facts, Triggerer of Trigglypuffs, Hoarder of Rare Pepes, Supreme Sh*tposter, Seductor of Waifus, etcetera, etcetera. But you mostly know me as the Amazing Aegon, or Percy, the guy obsessed with Ariane, enough to draw her in a bikini licking an orange creamsicle.

Yes, I, Aegon confess that I am that guy Percy. Before I go any further, I'd like to establish what I am not, because there's a lot of misconceptions about me, that should be cleared up.

1) A jerk. Hard to believe, I know. I spend most of my days acting like a total jackass, or "piece of sh**" as some would say. Yet, I've also shown my kinder, gentler side, as some (oi, Jaina, get in here) will tell you.

2) An obsessive, die hard Trump fan, contrary to what you see on my Twitter. I do support the God Emperor (or "Daddy" as some call him), but I don't 100% agree with him on everything (you'll have to ask me the specifics elsewhere, or else the fmods will come and hide this). In actuality, I'm not as vocal about Trump, and...(this will shock you), I don't even own a MAGA cap. Then again, I'm not American, so it's not like I can get one or vote for him. (But to be fair, caring about a foreign US election is justified, since my country does do quite a lot of business with them).

3) Alt right. This one's rather iffy. It depends on how you define it. If you think the alt right is r/the_donald, then yes, I am alt right. If you think it's not at all about civic nationalism, but ethnic nationalism, like r/altright believes, then no.

4) Some guy who spends his days
I wish I was in Dixie land

26-Oct-2016 18:23:58 - Last edited on 26-Oct-2016 18:25:03 by SwedishPagns



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Would have made a better case if you weren't so theatrical about it. Runescape doesn't need a needs a villain. An all encompassing force of evil that will remain ever-threatening and use chaos to make the peoples of Gielinor tolerate each other, grow strong together, and fight side by side against this evil. I am that villain.

26-Oct-2016 18:33:53



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"hmm...what can I say today to make Lore FC squirm?" I never make long elaborate plans to troll. It's simply because that's not how I roll, I'm not a manipulator. I know you're shocked, I am too. Believe me, I am (though it may not seem that way because I'm not very good at conveying emotions, I'm not an emotional person).

I should stop there because I suspect if I go on any further, you won't be paying attention and I'd lose you at "troll."

I am a troll.

Now, you may want to sit down for the rest of it, and I know your mind's swimming with so many questions all at once, and I will try my best to answer them all.

Percy and me are the same guy, in the sense that I control both accounts, but the Amazing Aegon's personality is a very twisted version of my own. I don't believe in the far right stuff that Aegon spouts, like "America was a country built by Europeans for Europeans, therefore it should be an ethnostate," "non-whites shouldn't vote," etc. I am most certainly not a "hateful nasty person." In the short time you've known Percy, he's been a very decent guy, not once did he say anything deliberately provocative, and he was helpful when he could be; he encouraged others to write down their good ideas as stories because he didn't believe good ideas should be kept hidden and wasted, and he was capable of holding intelligent discussion, as long as it was a topic he knew about. Ask the people who knew him the longest and I'll bet you Zaros' life that they'd tell you "No, he was not anything like Aegon."

So how did all this start, you wonder? Well...let me go back to the beginning, after all it's the very best place to start.
I wish I was in Dixie land

26-Oct-2016 18:56:27



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Hazeel said :
Would have made a better case if you weren't so theatrical about it.

I wanted to start off light, then delve deeper.

But that's merely aesthetics, the important part is getting everything across.

Now please don't interrupt.
I wish I was in Dixie land

26-Oct-2016 18:57:31 - Last edited on 26-Oct-2016 18:59:24 by SwedishPagns



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Let's go back to the days before I became a meme. I'd always been Zarosian, and in my earlier days, I was rather...shall we say autistic about declaring my support for him, and the infamous "You Know Nothing Seren" thread was a true, post-quest rant. I really hated how judgemental Seren was, and I hated how dismissive Zaros was towards us. To quote an old DeviantART comment (on Alicia-x-Itachi's story titled Growing Pains Part 4, it's still there if you wanna see it):

"I did so much for him, I ran through Freneskae twice for him, I almost died the first time around, I fought against those f***ing nihils and died countless times and Sliske kept on mocking me, I fought against a ****load of muspah, lagged and almost died…that’s not even counting what I did in pre-6th age quests like The Temple at Senntisten and Ritual of the Mahjarrat, I ran through Ghorrock in the former and those waterfiends or icefiends (I can’t remember which), those things hit harder than I thought, and a glacor almost killed me in the latter. For Zaros to ignore everything the World Guardian’s done before, that angers me, and I wish there was some way I could’ve called him out, just as I wish I could’ve called Seren and Azzanadra out."

I expected that thread to die off in a few days, just like every other thread I'd ever made. But that thing exceeded my expectations, in no time at all a meme was born.

You know the one.

>I was only 9 years old
>I loved Zaros so much I had all the Ancient spells and curses.
>I pray to Zaros every night, thanking him for the life I've been given.
>"Zaros is love," I say. "Zaros is life."

I'll stop there, because if I go further, it wouldn't be appropriate for the forums.

At the same time, I was posting my stories on and DeviantART. I'd always hated the fact how small the Runescape fandom was, I'd written for larger fandoms before, and I wouldn't have to do much,
I wish I was in Dixie land

26-Oct-2016 19:20:08 - Last edited on 26-Oct-2016 19:49:06 by SwedishPagns



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now I'd have to work harder at promoting myself, and I wasn't very good at that. I'm not good with people, I'm a socially awkward nerd with only one very close friend in real life.

Just then, I'd gotten a review for the latest chapter of Revelations from the Heart, from someone saying they'd un-favourite it, as it was too much like "Aegon's sperging on the lorums." That really hit a nerve, normally I couldn't care less if Internet people un-favourited my works or if they straight up mocked them; I've had my OCs posted on r/donutsteel and r/cringeanarchy, and I didn't even mind (I'll show them if you'd like, though I'd prefer it if you don't ask). But remember what I'd said about the RS fandom being small? Well, one review here meant more that it would've been in bigger fandoms, and one un-favourite and one lost reader meant more here than elsewhere, and I was not pleased to see that something I worked hard on, and put my metaphorical blood, sweat and tears into, was compared to some dopey rant I made that was really meant to be a one-time thing.

My initial reaction was "you thought that was bad? no, I'll show you worse, I'll write the most over-the-top Zarosian story, that would make RftH pale in comparison, and I hope you find it and read it."

Put two and two together, and history was made.

Tales of KingAegon I was discovered sooner than I'd ever expected, and I think you know what went on from there.

I was cemented further into meme status.

In late 2015, I'd discovered this FC and ventured into it (if you don't remember the precise date, let me try to refresh your memory, do you remember me ever existing in the chat prior to November/December of 2015? of course not), and as 2016 rolled around, a new age dawned--the Age of the Aegon.
I wish I was in Dixie land

26-Oct-2016 19:47:30



Posts: 6,735 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Nobody cares. Runescape doesn't need a needs a villain. An all encompassing force of evil that will remain ever-threatening and use chaos to make the peoples of Gielinor tolerate each other, grow strong together, and fight side by side against this evil. I am that villain.

26-Oct-2016 20:09:54



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I wouldn't say it was the Golden Age of Aegon, that'd be a lie.

I'd soon gotten over the less the stellar review, and as proven by the finale Chains Around the Heart, I'd began to take it seriously to enough to analyse why it sucked and how to improve it.

The troll act was wearing thin on everyone, me included. I didn't want to do it anymore, I was tired of pretending to be some racist, sexist, homophobic jerkass neo-na**. That was never who I was, and if you go to my friend Alicia-x-Itachi's DeviantART page, it'd be evident (in addition to my interactions with Lore FC as Percy) that I was not really Aegon that meme, that was just so divorced from the truth. If you'd like to go even further, check out my DeviantART (no, not KingAegon-I, my actual DeviantART nerd-artist23), it was made in 2012, way before this sub-forum even existed. Observe how I interact with people there, notice how un-Aegon-like I am, and how I never deliberately incited flame wars there.

Yes, I do share some of Aegon's views. For example, I do believe feminism is cancer, but I do respect sane feminists like Christina Hoff Sommers, I am on the right, but I respect classical liberals like Dave Rubin. I do love Milo, but not as much as you'd think.

I wondered of a way to end it, to retire the act, and in my last days, I came up with...what I'd call the FC equivalent of the Torch the Franchise and Run trope, in which an author would kill off every character in his story, end the plotline completely and close any loopholes that could result in a sequel. Instead of that, I'd decided to...oh, what's the proper phrase? Go out in a blaze? No, that wouldn't fit the situation.

But I'd decided no more Aegon.

Now comes an important question you may ask--why? why retire him in such a dramatic fashion? why not not just come out? why do it the hard way?
I wish I was in Dixie land

26-Oct-2016 20:31:17



Posts: 8,899 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hazeel said :
Nobody cares.

Sky Jexel cared enough to ask me to do this.

You cared enough to comment.

N7 Spongy cared enough.
I wish I was in Dixie land

26-Oct-2016 20:31:48 - Last edited on 26-Oct-2016 20:35:10 by SwedishPagns

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