Several of my questions cover similar topics.
How is the existence of an afterlife purely for mortals (not even allowing ascended gods in) consistent with a universe made by the elder gods? It seems like only the elder gods would be powerful enough to create an afterlife and yet there is no reason that they would. What is the origin of the afterlife?
Seren and Zaros are direct creations of Mah and this is what I personally believe to be the reason they could withstand the divinity nerfing effect in Sliske's maze. However, their relation to the world guardian strongly suggests that Guthix had substantially more power than either of them. Is prolonged exposure to Elder Artefacts really enough to become substantially more powerful than the extrinsically divine Seren and Zaros?
Guthix appointed Death to his reaper role and Tumeken and Amuscut granted Icthlarin divinity. These characters are essential to the functioning of the afterlife as we know it. Did the afterlife exist prior to Guthix/Tumeken and if so did others take the roles Death and Icthlarin have now?
Sliske is very clearly still around after the end of Sliske's Endgame. However, Jas asks us to explain his end. Has Sliske somehow fooled an elder god?
Jas says mortal life is unexpected, and it has been previously stated that Mah would have eliminated any possibility of mortal life if she was not impaired. The dragonkin were bound to the stone of Jas. Are the dragonkin not mortal? If so, could we get a clear definition of what mortal means? Is it related to ability to reproduce, natural lifespan, or divinity?
Mah is glowing and yet Zaros claims to possess her core. What gives?
Do the dragonkin predate the destruction of Freneskae in the previous cycle?
13-Jan-2017 23:30:25