Can we get some info on the lifespans of the races? We know icyene live tens of thousands of year, humans are pretty much the same as in real life, elves tend to reach five-hundred but their lifespan is malleable and can be stretched to millenia -- but we don't know much else. Vyres seem to be biologically immortal, as in they don't die of natural causes, werewolf aging is all over the place, dwarves and gnomes are pretty much unknown.
Can we get confirmation on whether or not Mahjarrat 'ascended' after the events of Children of Mah? Maybe not to full godhood, but Azzanadra noted that his previous 'power cap' seemed to be gone -- which sounds an awful lot like "we can move up the tier list from low tier 7 now".
Are blood and shadow magic considered to be 'dark magic' like necromancy is? I imagine smoke and ice are a little more tolerated.
Is lightning considered a part of the air element in the Runescape universe? Guthix's wind druid lady seemed to indicate it was.
On a similar note, is flora (trees, flowers, moss, and so on) considered to be part of the earth element along with the standard dirt and rock? And, is sand part of the earth element as well?
How does metal interact with magic? Since wearing armor seems to make one weak against magic and also less able to use magic -- or is this just a game mechanic? We know metal 'conducts' magic, but, what does that even mean? Does metal attract magic like a magnet?
Are mithril, adamant, runite, and dragon innately magical metals? They don't exist in real life, but we know that you acknowledge the existence of the elements (tin, copper, iron, silver, gold, nitrogen, carbon have all popped up in game in various forms), so are they formed by metals interacting with the natural magic of the world, creating a different substance entirely?
What species does the vampyric dodging ability work on? Presumably not icyene, Mahjarrat, and gods - I'm guessing it DOES work on elves, dwarves, etc, however?
Mods pls notice me
11-Jan-2017 17:25:00