What, and pardon my fucking French, the FUCK do they think they're doing? Blah blah blah, Sixth Age reset, whatever -- not having The World Wakes as a requirement for this is a goddamn DISGRACE. I am fucking incensed. It is absolutely infuriating that new players will do this quest beforehand,
ruining the experience.
If this quest had TWW and Sliske's Endgame (etc) as requirements, I'd be enjoying the hell out of it. As is, it is a fucking slap in the face. Why the goddamn hell are they cheapening the experience of Guthix' death so much? And they damn well have been ever since TWW! Why the *fuck* are they refusing to allow new players to experience things organically? Instead, people who this means NOTHING to are seeing it and spoiling the entire narrative.
The "reset" has gone on for fucking long enough.
Continual disappointment is the spice of life.
16-May-2019 17:21:15