Humans come from Earth, they're believes are still intact or they're knowledge of creatures of they're past religions are intact. That solves dialogue. As for the emote and the gravestone its merely Jagex using our depiction of of what an angel is to describe what the object or animation looks like.
Humans come from Earth, they're believes are still intact or they're knowledge of creatures of they're past religions are intact. That solves dialogue. As for the emote and the gravestone its merely Jagex using our depiction of of what an angel is to describe what the object or animation looks like.
Jagex has confirmed that Earth does not exist. It has been confirmed that this is reflected by RS lore. There are plans to correct references to Earth in RS.
A Zamorakian lorehound, probably.
This is an interesting topic, thanks. Really I think if they substitute other words for angel people wont understand unless its explained every single time which is somewhat exhausting having xname(yname) is too weird too. There seems to be a nice balance to the way it used now.
Guardian Angle could refer to the Guardians of Guthix.
The purpose of adventure is to shine light into dark places,
Poke monsters with a sharp stick, Then steal anything that isn't nailed down!
To the Manor Born QFC 185-186-367-65788716
Half Centaur
Sounds like a case of Devs bringing real life sayings into the game, without realizing the implications. Perhaps if its that much of a problem, they'd change it, if they had something that fit just as well, without being hard to understand.
I didn't notice either though... so yeah....
Most likely explanation, in my opinion. Of course, that's a
Humans come from Earth, they're believes are still intact or they're knowledge of creatures of they're past religions are intact. That solves dialogue. As for the emote and the gravestone its merely Jagex using our depiction of of what an angel is to describe what the object or animation looks like.
Jagex has confirmed that Earth does not exist. It has been confirmed that this is reflected by RS lore. There are plans to correct references to Earth in RS.
Could you kindly show us some sources?
Because I'm convinced (and I'll probably maintain this belief even if Jagex josses it) that the humans of RS came from our realm.
(And in the case of King Authur and his knights, where else but Britain are they supposed to have come from?)
EDIT: I'm not saying you're wrong...just that I'd like to know where Jagex has definitively stated that there has never been Earth-Gelinor contact.
25-Jan-2014 04:07:29
- Last edited on
25-Jan-2014 20:13:52
Ms Live Wire
Ms Live Wire
Humans come from Earth, they're believes are still intact or they're knowledge of creatures of they're past religions are intact. That solves dialogue. As for the emote and the gravestone its merely Jagex using our depiction of of what an angel is to describe what the object or animation looks like.
Jagex has confirmed that Earth does not exist. It has been confirmed that this is reflected by RS lore. There are plans to correct references to Earth in RS.
Could you kindly show us some sources?
Because I'm convinced (and I'll probably maintain this belief even if Jagex josses it) that the humans of RS came from our realm.
(And in the case of King Authur and his knights, where else but Britain are they supposed to have come from?)
EDIT: I'm not saying you're wrong...just that I'd like to know where Jagex has definitively stated that there has never been Earth-Gelinor contact.
Jagex have confirmed Earth does not exist at all. The human homeworld is not Earth and King Arthur does not come from the human homeworld. Saradomin spread humans throughout various planes none of which are Earth. Britain exist in lore currently but is not a location referring to the Isle on Earth but could be any location not on earth. It could be a planet in itself for all we know. A planet called Britain.