The problem isn't so much that Zaros is a mary sue, more that Jagex is awful at showing his flaws. FOT* highlighted this. After receiving almost nothing but good lore, this was a good time to show Zaros' flaws. While his flaws are apparent, the problem is that instead of highlighting them as they have for other Gods, Jagex really likes to hide them.
A huge problem in general is that a lot of flaws don't have their flaws highlighted enough. This is shown by how willingly people deny them. Like with Armadyl, Jagex has shown his flaws pretty clearly but there's still plenty of people in denial over it. To a lesser extent, this is the case for Seren. The flaws are easy to notice, but people still deny they exist because they haven't been highlighted enough.
With Zaros, you really need to look deep to see his flaws. Yes, he isn't going to paint himself in a bad image, but that's no excuse. We could have interacted with MANY characters in FOT*, maybe even other Dreams of Mah who knew things about Zaros personally.
30-Oct-2014 18:11:42