which Mod Osborne then in responding to somebody else acknowledged he felt the same about it.
This sounds like you referencing a piece of evidence you have convinced yourself exists when it really doesn't on top of being a mod quote that you yourself say shouldn't be entirely trusted.
which Mod Osborne then in responding to somebody else acknowledged he felt the same about it.
This sounds like you referencing a piece of evidence you have convinced yourself exists when it really doesn't on top of being a mod quote that you yourself say shouldn't be entirely trusted.
Nobody in game specifically says this is how fate works but it can be worked out from various things, the history quests, prophecies etc.
For someone who condemns other people for baseless assumptions, you sure make a lot of them yourself.
I came up with a theory based on the history quests and how they work, the way visions work and the way prophecies, the oracle etc work. These are in the lore. None of them specifically talk about fate but are related in every way to fate and how it works.
I came up with a theory which I have posted on a few threads a while ago then in a livestream somebody asked about Zaros becomming fate while wanting the world to fall to mortals and what Mod Osborne said fit with my theory in fact it pretty much was my theory and as Osborne pointed out you can argue it's not fate if you wanted to.
You can say what you want because I already decided that you had no credibility and have not actually taken anything you said into consideration since I decided that because it's worthless.
You make it sound like you're in a position to make that call because you're somebody of importance. If someone hasn't said it before, then I will say it: You are not. You have never backed up most of these assertions you have made with evidence that can either be located or makes sense in the context of your argument. In fact, there's more evidence in game that "fate" is a myth than an unavoidable force.
03-Mar-2014 11:09:59
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03-Mar-2014 11:16:23
You make it sound like your opinion actually means something when you have yet to back up anything you've ever said. If anyone here has no credibility, it's you for deluding yourself into believing in the existence of sources that don't actually exist.
The history quests exist, Hazelmere's vision exists, the livestream exists, the tablets from the Fremmy quests exist, the way Death works exists, the oracle exists.
As I said it's a theory nothing outright says how fate works however as I came up with the theory and then Mod Osborne confirmed it by answering somebody elses question I am perfectly fine to accept my theory as true. I really don't care what you think.
As I said it's a theory nothing outright says how fate works however as I came up with the theory and then Mod Osborne confirmed it by answering somebody elses question I am perfectly fine to accept my theory as true.
Oh, but I thought mod quotes weren't to be trusted. Whatever happened to that?
Just admit you hold a double standard so we don't have to keep doing this.
As I said it's a theory nothing outright says how fate works however as I came up with the theory and then Mod Osborne confirmed it by answering somebody elses question I am perfectly fine to accept my theory as true.
Oh, but I thought mod quotes weren't to be trusted. Whatever happened to that?
Just admit you hold a double standard so we don't have to keep doing this.
I don't. I had the theory before the quote the quote just confirmed my suspicions. The stuff was all still in game before that was said. If this was based just on a quote from a J Mod you'd have a point but it isn't.
Search twitch. Mod Osborne has 2 livestreams one on Runescape community on youtube and another on Twitch and it's in one of them.
Actually the history quests prove fate is not all controlling which is what my theory states and what Mod Osborne confirmed. They make up the part where Zaros can allow mortals to generally do as they wish as fate rather than be all controlling. The rest of the in game stuff proves that fate exists to a certain extent that can control specific events.
Actually the history quests prove fate is not all controlling which is what my theory states and what Mod Osborne confirmed. They make up the part where Zaros can allow mortals to generally do as they wish as fate rather than be all controlling. The rest of the in game stuff proves that fate exists to a certain extent that can control specific events.
Then this isn't fate. It's proof that the future can change and that "fate" is a myth. This would be different if the word "fate" were used anywhere in the quest, but it's not.
Actually the history quests prove fate is not all controlling which is what my theory states and what Mod Osborne confirmed. They make up the part where Zaros can allow mortals to generally do as they wish as fate rather than be all controlling. The rest of the in game stuff proves that fate exists to a certain extent that can control specific events.
Then this isn't fate. It's proof that the future can change and that "fate" is a myth. This would be different if the word "fate" were used anywhere in the quest, but it's not.
Just as the concept immortality in RS isn't actually the concept of immortality in rs. Jagex changed lots of concepts with RS. Also not all futures can be changed. If somebody dies at a certain point they die how they die may be changed but they die none the less.
If somebody dies at a certain point they die how they die may be changed but they die none the less.
That's not evidence of fate, but rather the mortal condition. We don't die because "fate" tells us we must.
A mortal condition of Death coming for you at a specific time? The fact it is not yet our time is fate and that is in the lore from Blood Runs Deep. Death is very much fate related in Runescape.
I meant to say irl rather than in rs the second time.