
Runescape Cosmology Explained

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Gamez X
Sep Member 2014

Gamez X

Posts: 885 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The universe of runescape is far larger than just the world map, spanning multiple worlds, planes and even other dimensions outside the universe. Its been my pet project to definitively map out all of this and after the previous runefest i had to completely overhaul my previous version, but after a few iterations i think i've finally come up with a final model

Note, this is just the informational image to show where everything is, it is not the final image for looks (thats gonna take quite a bit longer). Also for full detail, open images in a new tab

Now there's alot to explain here so i'll break it down for you. I wont go into too much detail about all the planets themselves, theres plenty of wiki pages on that. This is just to explain how it all connects together, new info and bits you cant easily read up.

I must point out this is only my interpretation of the universe, its not the confirmed model. That said i have made it with as much canon information as i could to make it as accurate as i could. Infact i have also made a couple changes to stuff said in past lore streams and added my own bits of theorised lore to tie up as many loose ends as i can, there are reasons for these changes and i will explain them all as i get to them

- The Elder Gods
- The Universe
- The Lower Planes
- The Primordial Field
- The Elemental Planes
- The Catalytic Planes
- The Runespan
- The Balance Plane
- The Spiritual Planes
- Alternate Universes
- Places not Known or Specified

23-Apr-2018 03:15:20 - Last edited on 23-Apr-2018 03:21:37 by Gamez X

Gamez X
Sep Member 2014

Gamez X

Posts: 885 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
..::[ The Elder Gods ]::..

First thing you should know about the universe of RS is that it was made by the elder gods after they destroyed the previous universe. There are 5 elders but Mah never left freneskae, there's also rumors of a 6th but thats not important atm. Each elder is aligned to a particular aspect they contribute into their creations. They are each identified by a particular symbol and the number of sides on that symbol shows their rank in power with eachother, with jas being the most powerful and mah being the least

Because they lost Mah, Jas had to use one of her own eggs to create the catalsyt (the stone of Jas) as a replacement in the creation process. There is infact a whole system about how the elders gradually combined their elemental energies together to evolve their runic elements into more complex ones and it is this process that shapes the universe, this is explained below

Its also worth noting that the elders dont always look the same, infact they grow and evolve over time. When they are newly hatched they simply appear like an elemental golem, seen in early promo art. Over time they grow into their adult forms which appear humanoid but still alien. Mah had reached this state slowly albeit in a malformed manner. However when the elders fully grown and mastered evolving their energies, they too evolved into their transcendent states. Taking on even more strange and alien appearences, unique to each elder such as Jas in sliskes endgame, or Bik in previous promo art. They also seem to create lesser creatures called mouthpieces that speak for them, these take on an appearence similar to their original forms

Their purpose is simple. Create a world with the perfect anima (basically life energy) that can sustain their new eggs, in order to repeat the cycle of destruction and recreation of the universe, the great revision

23-Apr-2018 03:15:31

Gamez X
Sep Member 2014

Gamez X

Posts: 885 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
..::[ The Universe ]::..

The universe is made up of a large bubble dimension of empty space known as the abyss, note this is slightly different to the ingame rc location "the abyss", see runespan below for details on that. Within this space it holds much smaller bubble dimensions in place called planes. These are finite canvases of sorts for the elders to create worlds within

The important thing here is each world in the universe is aligned to a particular rune as determined by the system of the elders combining their energies. As described by zaros, the planes of rs can be grouped into 3 main groups. First is the lower planes with freneskae at the bottom. Next is the elemental planes where the elders split up, forming 4 distinct paths of worlds each elementally themed. Finally there are the higher/catalytic planes where the elders gradually recombined paths, with gielinor at the top

..::[ The Lower Planes ]::..

These are the lowest worlds in the universe and are infact the only leftovers of the previous universe that remain

First of which is freneskae, the perfect world of the previous universe and the place where the elders hatched from. Once hatched, they drained the anima of the planet to regain strength and destroyed the universe. This left the world as a dead husk. This was also the world where zaros, seren and the mahjarrat originate. This planet also orbits the RS black hole from very old lore

23-Apr-2018 03:15:48

Gamez X
Sep Member 2014

Gamez X

Posts: 885 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Above this are the dark worlds, these are worlds aligned to the elements of the ancient magic spells. Note even though there are smoke and blood runes in the normal runes, these are completely seperate things, dont let the same names confuse you. Now i left the elders who made up these worlds blank cus i have no idea who made what. Theres no real system to the ancient magics, but that does mean theres room for expansion to the ancient runes without much issues, something for jagex to consider if they ever plan to bring in stuff like the wrath rune to rs3 ;)

Infernus - Smoke: Desert world burning with fire, home of the demons. Zaros created his smoke power stone from a large demon at the planets core

Vampyrium - Blood: Earth like world with a red sky, home of the vampyres. Zaros created his blood power stone from the worlds matriarch, drakan's mother

Leng - Ice: Frozen world with mountains of ice and snow, the mahjarrat lucian captured his glacors from here. Zaros created his ice power stone from a mountain sized glacor here. I theorise this world is similar to saturns moon enceladus, and so has a global subsurface ocean (similar to earths global magma ocean). Given leng is a location from lovecraft novels, there is a high probability that this ocean is the origin point of the god xau tak, who may well be a survivor from the previous universe

23-Apr-2018 03:16:16

Gamez X
Sep Member 2014

Gamez X

Posts: 885 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Iaia - Shadow: A swamp world who's cloud cover is so thick the sky is always dark. I name this world the shadow rune because zaros confirmed it was one of the lower worlds, and this is the only world left who's rune wasnt filled up, plus it just fits the theme of the shadow world. The shadow realm here seems particulary dangerous (maybe due to the darkness there) filled with shadowey leviathans, likely the origin place of the dark beasts whom zaros created his shadow power stone from 1001 of these beasts. This is home not only to the ilujanka, but i theorise also their sibling clan the dragonkin. Both are reptilian races doomed to die out and the dragonkin are confirmed to be survivors of the previous universe. Both clans where doomed to die, the ilujanka accepted this fate but the dragonkin sought to fight it. They saw the elders power and bared witness to them leaving at the beginning. So they chased after them to try and make them save their clan, catching upto Jas but ended up getting cursed for it, bound to her stone

..::[ The Primordial Field ]::..

This is a huge asteroid field of sacred clay just above the lower worlds, with a half formed proto sun and is also the location of the stealing creation minigame. The place where the elders first attempted to create new worlds after hatching but failed. It was here they realised that without Mah they where unable to skip straight into making advanced worlds

23-Apr-2018 03:16:44

Gamez X
Sep Member 2014

Gamez X

Posts: 885 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
..::[ The Elemental Planes ]::..

After discovering the loss of Mah has cost them the ability to create advanced worlds easily, the elders did something they never did before. They split apart to create lesser worlds by themselves in order to grow and learn before making advanced worlds, thus creating the 4 elemental paths

The elemental planes are the planes where the elders used only their elemental energies. Firstly by themselves creating the pure elemental runes, however these planes where still too primitive to create worlds from and so there are no pure elemental worlds. Then they began combining energy with eachother in pairs creating worlds aligned to the combination runes

Note that since the point of creating many worlds is for the elders to get better at them, its reasonable to assume at the more primitive worlds came first and the more advanced worlds (with oceans and continents) came afterwards

??? - Dust: Unknown name but one of the 4 worlds mentioned in the book of armadyl, a desert like world of dust and mountains and first world Bik made. This is likely the homeworld of the dwarves, who live within the ground and not on the surface, hence why armadyl never saw them

Yu'buisk - Mud: Home to everything bandosian such as goblins, trolls, ogres, etc. Second world Bik made and a large world that used to be lush and fertile, but after countless years of bandos' wars its left toxic and burnt

??? - Mist: Unknown name but one of the 4 worlds mentioned in the book of armadyl, a completely water world with no land on the Wen path. Probably home to many aquatic species such as the sirens and dagannoths

23-Apr-2018 03:17:05

Gamez X
Sep Member 2014

Gamez X

Posts: 885 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
??? - Steam: Unknown name but one of the 4 worlds mentioned in the book of armadyl, is on of the Ful path. One of the hottest places in the universe, sky is constantly boiling with acidic rain, basically venus. Home to some black armored insects, only thing these remind me of are the old models of the kalphites, perhaps early ancestors?

Muspell - Lava: The second world Ful made, this is a world with oceans and streams of molten lava instead of water. Easily the hottest and most volcanic place in the entire universe, the fire that rises up from the ground and dances in the sky is said to be beautiful. Home to the muspah and where zammy fled to after the god wars

??? - Smoke: Unknown name but one of the 4 worlds mentioned in the book of armadyl, this is the gas giant on the Jas path and easily the largest planet in the universe. The gravity is so intense here, that the core of this world likely has some very tough and valuable materials, maybe a solid adamantite core instead of mostly iron minerals like most worlds?

..::[ The Catalytic Planes ]::..

These are the planes in which the elders began using the stone of jas to trigger the evolution of their elements into futher evolved ones, hence the reason for the stone's true name, the catalyst

Note, the catalytic rune is listed here as this is where it would come in the tiers but it does not have a plane/world of its own. It is not an elder and so would not make a world by itself, its only used in combination with the other elders

23-Apr-2018 03:17:29

Gamez X
Sep Member 2014

Gamez X

Posts: 885 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
First came the primordial worlds, these are the worlds where the elders used the catalyst with their elements alone. Also take note that at this point Bik and Wen looked at their worlds and saw they where doing well, because earth and water are good enviroments for sustaining life. However Ful and Jas saw their worlds where not good at sustaining much life because fire and air are not good enviroments. Due to this, Jas and Ful combined their paths early in order to help eachother create more viable worlds than their elements could do alone

??? - Body: Bik's primordial world, this is the homeworld of both the giants (mentioned in a recent survey) and the behemoths of daemonhiem, the world bilrach connected to the most. It is a large earth like planet with many different regions, including volcanic, jungle, mountainous and polar leading to the many different varieties of giants and behemoths we know. Its moon is ocularis, and is infact a giant single living creature. This creature being a giant stalker brain with no eyes and infact the original stalker "yogsathla" created inside the moons core by xau tak as one of his lesser deities. This stalker hosts the hive mind of all stalkers, beings it sprouted with large eyes to see in its place. Note, this moon can apparently move around to different worlds at will so who knows where it is now, but its listed as aligned to the body rune

Teragard - Law: Wen's primordial world and home world of the humans. This is a cold water world with scattered islands, think "a planet of fremenik isles". Also birthplace of saradomin and location of brtiain and the fisher realm from the camalot story line

23-Apr-2018 03:17:53

Gamez X
Sep Member 2014

Gamez X

Posts: 885 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Kethsi - Mind: Jas's primordial world, not much is really known other than it was home to a race of advanced mages who held the stone of jas for a while. This attracted the dragonkin to them who burned everything, leaving the world in ruins. Armadyl states this is close to his home world of abbinah, i think jagex is wishing to forget this line but i say use it

Abbinah - Chaos: Ful's primordial world. One of my major changes, jagex last year called this place the smoke rune but i disagree, that doesnt fit. As a world of constant hurricanes and lightning storms and sky islands crashing into eachother, it is CLEARLY a far more fitting candidate for the chaos rune. Making this the chaos rune allows for it to be in the same system as kethsi (playing into armadyls line) and also pushes the smoke rune down to be the gas giant which is a far more primitive planet matching a lower tier rune. The planet itself is cracked open exposing the core which has filled with an ocean. There are permenant hurricanes raging lightning down on the surface constantly. Home to the aviansie who live of the sky islands which ride ontop of the hurricanes. I see armadyls main island being over the core ocean and the killerwatt plane being somewhere within the planets storms. There should also be a special island/moon with a clan of black feathered aviansie dedicated to the ravensworn, just cus this is mod raven's world afterall =P

23-Apr-2018 03:18:11

Gamez X
Sep Member 2014

Gamez X

Posts: 885 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
After the primordial worlds comes the higher worlds. These are where the elders began combining energies in pairs along with the stone, so are like the evolutions of combination runes. Note that at this point, jas had evolved to a level over the other elders and so went on ahead first

Naragun - Nature: Higher world on the Bik path, this is the home of guthix and the naragi. A jungle world with tree's so big they hold up entire land masses above the clouds. Once the stage of the naragi god wars which ravaged life on the world. I theorise that one of this worlds moons is the homeworld of the gnomes, hence their strong affinity to guthix for saving them

Jermyn - Death: Higher world on the Wen path, a world with many thick and dark jungles this is the home of the apes oribiting multiple suns, one being a white dwarf (dead sun). Xau tak took rest within a black lake on this world so long ago that he has been woven into the inhabitants creation stories. Here he created his 3 lesser deities and corrupted a large number of apes into mwanu (horrors) before sending them through a portal to the pirate islands on geilinor. This world would also have a few moons known as the husk worlds

??? - Blood: Higher world on the Ful path, nothing is really known about this world directly but i feel it is the world mentioned by armadyl in sliske's endgame that orbited a dying star (red giant). This world had an intelligent feline species that communicated only through song, jagex doesnt really know where to go with this but i have an idea. What if this planet had 2 main native clans, one being the feline species (which could well be the raharni wildcats in recent lore talks), and the other being the werewolves. Two clans, one being passive but cultured while the other is aggressive yet primitive. Theres an interesting narrative you could weave here with these 2 semi related species

23-Apr-2018 03:18:39

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