From today's Livestream:
I liked the Smithy (even with the holes) but it kind of looked like it was on fire, and that turned me off a bit, but seeing as it's the only actually run down building in the area, I think it fits. The excuse can be that since the Elemental workshop got officially shut down, they just let it fall into disuse.
I LOVED The Seer's council house.
I like the church, but the Architecture change is so massive, that the head priest better explain why it's as new as it is. That, or it needs brought down a few pegs.
I thought the bank was kind of ugly tbh, but I did like it's fortified theme.
The pub is adorable.
(The positioning of the pub and the bank seem a bit odd to me. Is it possible to swap their positions?)
Camelot looks BAD ASS. (I still don't remember the Remove Camelot Poll tho)
The Elemental Workshop piping idea is awesome (but I think it should look a bit more rusted than it currently does)!
Lorewise, I think 4th Age is still a safe bet. If you're up for trolling us, you can just say that the Seer's are so focused on their future, that they don't keep records of the past, so where they came from is limited to the one or two who actually know that they came from the Fremmy, but that's all that they really know.
Additional information could be released in the form of a miniquest, or just not at all.
18-Apr-2017 23:09:53