
Xau-Tak: God of the Horrors

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Came back after a break and completed the two elite dungeons.

- Was the Dragonkin Laboratory the 'city' that they destroyed after making contact with XT? I
think that's possible, but the notes suggest they were generally aware of XT and created
the lab as a place to experiment with XT's influence to break their curse, so the city they
destroyed could have been elsewhere. The lab still being generally intact, if abandoned, points to that not being it. The destroyed city is probably just Ulthven Kreath itself, with the mural left as a warning.

- It seems PRETTY LIKELY that Kranon/The Ambassador will be the final boss for the third elite dungeon. I rather think Pieces of Hate should be a requirement for it, but I know all the bossing types would complain, so I'll accept it.

- How long have the dragonkin known about XT?
Continual disappointment is the spice of life.

04-Dec-2018 21:03:45

Oct Member 2009


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Oggieyiey3 said :
I wason Goshima harvesting mushrooms when the malignant entity came along. I noticed the entity is surrounded by a bunch of black fog stuff, which reminded me of the fog that surrounds the portal in phase 2 of the fire with Seiryu. So that makes me think the entity is somehow related to Xau-Tak. I don’t know much about the entity as I haven’t done most of the tales of the arc, but if someone else knows more about where it comes from they might be able to find a connection

The Entity's story is explained in the Tales of the Arc miniquests, so I'll just say, do those.

07-Dec-2018 00:50:28



Posts: 55 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
So interesting developments from the Shadow Reef. From collecting the journal bits from the dungeon you learn a few intriguing tidbits about Xau-Tak:

1) Some demons are connected with Xau-Tak. A chapter titled 'Demonic Thoughts' discusses an attempt by avernic to summon 'the hundred handed one' in Daemonheim being foiled and their hopes to use its power to retake their home world. It might explain their appearance during the Halloween event.

2) In a similar vein, the Mwanu are also wanting to retake their stolen world. Tezcasathla is further implied to be an aspect of Xau Tak.

3) A major theme of Umbral Diplomacy is that Xau-Tak turns to those that have lost their home. The Dragonkin, the Mwanu, the demons, House Charron, and others have been courted by Xau-Tak's agent, the Ambassador.

4) A second reoccurring theme is sound. Aside from 'the song' that reoccurs with a number of Aminishi affiliated minions, the journal makes mention of the importance of harmonics in the ritual.

For me, although Shadow Reef answered some questions it also raised many more....
Your friendly, neighborhood anthropologist

25-Feb-2019 19:13:31

The Mather1
May Member 2008

The Mather1

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RoninOctopus said :

1) Some demons are connected with Xau-Tak. A chapter titled 'Demonic Thoughts' discusses an attempt by avernic to summon 'the hundred handed one' in Daemonheim being foiled and their hopes to use its power to retake their home world. It might explain their appearance during the Halloween event.

Actually, I'm pretty sure they are supposed to be Infernals. The Kal'Gerion demons, which are the ones that are aiding Xau-Tak, are known to be Infernals. And way that chapter references the author's body as "this avernic shell" seems to imply that the Kal'Gerion demons are either taking on the shape of Tsutsaroth as a disguise, or that they are using some sort of parasitization or possession to control a Tsutsaroth host.
"Abscondita est in Astra."

26-Feb-2019 13:54:48

Uncle Harper
Jul Member 2015

Uncle Harper

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So I want to first talk about what is known and then what may be.

1. Kranon got the idea to summon Xau-Tak from a childhood dragonkin story.
2. Kranon believed Kurapac's methods were cruel (hes kinda right.)
3. Xau's army seems to include the downtrodden and defeated. (House Charron, Avernic, Mwanu, Kranons priest dragonkin sect, Aminishi, and, of course, the carassian.
4. Xau-taks gift was able to break Jas' curse on the Dragonkin that gave into him.
5. Oreb, The magister, has knowledge of and is working to summon Xau-Tak.
6. Zaros has knowledge of and has been warned of Kranon and the threat he poses and possibly Xau as well.
7. Kranon has been aware of the world guardian for centuries due to his "dreams" which he interprets as warnings from his lord.
8. Madam Shih has a similar corruption to Seriyu and the Black Stone Dragon.
11. Daemonheim(and dungeoneering as a whole) was a plot to bring the hundred handed one (xau) into this world by the demons there.

Speculation ahead:
1. The part of Kranons soul that is missing is what Jas bound to the stone.
2. Kranon is not completely evil. His intentions were pure. To save his people from a curse and prevent the cruel experiments to the unborn dragons by Kerapac.
3. Madam Shih is the next ambassador.
4. More evidence that Xau is the 6th elder Zaros mentions, is the fact that Zaros is aware of Xau and Kranons existence and the threat they pose but has never mentioned it before. Xau also had the ability to break the Jas' curse.
5. The final page of Umbral Diplomacy is a message from Xau-tak to the player. Killing Kranon has in effect got his attention and turned his Gaze upon Geilinor.

One final note, a journal in Goshima talks about the soul vampires and mentions a line "parasitic corruption in the arc" if this is about xau, interesting choice of words as its similar to the thing on Renmark. Which Xau is gaining a lot of names if so. Hundred handed one, Tezcasathla, Mur?
I have seen the dark universe yawning, where the black planets roll without aim;
Where they roll in their horror unheeded, without knowledge or lustre or name.

26-Feb-2019 20:46:36 - Last edited on 26-Feb-2019 20:58:40 by Uncle Harper



Posts: 55 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think it is premature to assume Xau-Tak is Renmark's parasite, Mur.

1) Xau-Tak is strongly associated with water, madness and Undeath whereas Renmark is more associated with nature and the four seasons. Furthermore, it is implied to swim 'corpse oceans' not lurk inside planetary cores.

2) Mur was freed from Renmark's core by Guthix, but recent lore from Shadow Reef implies that Xau Tak has been operating since at least the last Great Revision, especially if the Dragonkin have it featuring in their legends, as well as the ancient Infernals. Furthermore, if it is on the level of an Elder God (as it seems to be implied), would it really need Guthix's help in freeing it? O_o

3) We shouldn't discount the existence of other threats like the Pests, the Queen of Ashes, Cthonians and other threats that lurk at the periphery of our understanding. Ol' Xau Tak isn't the only massive threat lurking out in the cosmos.

4) Finally, Xau-Tak's modus operandi is based in spreading madness and corrupting outcasts, not feeding off of it like a 'bloated parasite' as Mur is described as being. Yes, Xau Tak does have a connection with the undead but in this case it appears to be more of it being a twisted parody of life and the natural order than a result of 'feeding'.
Your friendly, neighborhood anthropologist

26-Feb-2019 22:01:26

Nov Member 2013


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Ambi has two lines I found particularly interesting, if you consider them canon:

"There is an absence of god that has learned how to hate."

"There is a cosmic abortion which swims in the oceans of the dead."

It sounds to me like Xau-Tak is a failed or undead god of some kind, maybe even an elder god, but not truly a god as we understand the term.
You can't read this signature. It's written in invisible inque.

04-Mar-2019 06:20:37

Big Storms

Big Storms

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Well it seems we were just in time and managed to prevent this immense threat to enter Gieli
You may have delayed His arrival, but do not forget that this does not concern the only place that has a strong connection to His Eminence . Currently the core of the Zamorakian order is feeding on His cHAo tiC influences, under the pretense that it will make them stronger. Soon you may learn what lies deeper and why you are already too late.
nor :D
"One should not mindlessly follow gods or the godless:
~Big Storms

04-Mar-2019 11:01:22

Aug Member 2020


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We know Teragard was at least in danger of Xt's forces, from a line spoken by an Undead witch, probably part of Oreb's entourage - "When the day is done all of Teragard's resources will be under our command"

04-Mar-2019 19:55:03

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