I did some research on monkeys thinking I found a link, but I wasn't able to find anything substantive. Here's my thoughts anyways:
In the 49th bts, where we were able to choose between the pirate, gnome and dwarf quest, the presenter for the pirate quest said "The monkeys will be getting involved. The ninja monkeys no less.", and I was thinking, what do monkeys have to do with the pirate series? Well, the obvious connection is that cave horrors, jungle horrors, and the skeletal horrors are all ape-like.
This makes Ape Atoll a viable candidate for one of the "series of locations", although technically the quest and area came out in December 2004, and I can't think of any relevant mysteries relating to the monkeys. There are zombie monkeys though in the ape atoll cave.
There is a somewhat tenuous link. In CFB, Marimbo talks about how she became a god:
"There was a statue nearby that turned out to be a dead god. And a huge, empty wine barrel. Someone later told me he was a god of hedonism too. He was on a trawl of different worlds, challenging mortals to drinking contest for a bit of lark." Xau-Tak is a "pirate" god, so the description of being a heavy drinker fits him, especially the details about him traveling world. There are some objections of course: 1) Traveling worlds may not be special for gods in general, and 2) The god above turned to stone (ie. died). The last point may seem to break the theory altogether, but you have to remember that resurrection is a large theme in this mystery.
A few lines down in her dialogue, Marimbo says "It's a shame I lost that drinking horn. The Fancy one with all the sparkles. I wonder where it went?", which some people have suggested is the Elder Horn. The horn was used by Quin to control all the monsters of the sea. In that case, the Horn is related to the sea, and we know that Xau-Tak is related to the sea somehow.
I'm too Unaligned to have a forum signature.
08-Nov-2015 02:00:05