Maiden China
Maybe YOU'RE too lazy, that doesn't mean the rest of us are.
oh, I definitely am, but... you can see from quests, and also to a less canonical extent from gameplay activities, that the wg has the attention span of a goldfish ad the work ethic of a stoner
In the beginning of our adventuring careers, absolutely. Though in the later quests, we've gotten A LOT smarter...
'oops, you accidentally murdered the one guy who could possibly save you from the impending apocalypse' isn't going to work for you anymore
letters are odd... like... i can combine these things... and like meaning happens. chicken. hat. baked potatoes. oooooohh. look at this magic I am allpowerful
03-Aug-2016 07:23:53
- Last edited on
03-Aug-2016 07:25:28
Maiden China
None, my character is completely aromantic. Promising to marry Brand was just to further my goals,
and was actually quite relieving when they died.
but that doesn't mean adorable dog doesn't like to indulge in a bit of fun now and again
completely lacking romance though, and it doesnt matter which gender.
Adorable Dog
None, my character is completely aromantic. Promising to marry Brand was just to further my goals,
and was actually quite relieving when they died.
but that doesn't mean adorable dog doesn't like to indulge in a bit of fun now and again
completely lacking romance though, and it doesnt matter which gender.
Adorable Dog
None, my character is completely aromantic. Promising to marry Brand was just to further my goals,
and was actually quite relieving when they died.
but that doesn't mean adorable dog doesn't like to indulge in a bit of fun now and again
completely lacking romance though, and it doesnt matter which gender.
RuneScape has hookers, confirmed.