
^+^ Myreque Future V4 ^+^

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A Mad Hatter
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A Mad Hatter

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The fire crackled and snapped at the night air as the youngsters and their parents began seating themselves around the village elder. Storytime was a rare and treasured occurrence to the people in more recent times, and to the children in particular, for they knew nothing save hardship during the too few years of their young lives.

'Come,' the elder said with a voice filled to the brim with wisdom. 'Stay awhile and listen younglings. There is much to tell, and too little time to do so.'

"What'*ha gonna tell us tonight?" a young red haired boy asked.

'A tale most intriguing," the old man replied. "One of tyranny. Of adventure. Of sorrow. And most importantly...of hope.'

'Is it about the Fall of the Six?' the boy asked excitedly.

'Nay,' the elder chuckled. The old storyteller produced a thick tome from the depths of his tattered robes, and opened it to a seemingly random page. 'As heroic as the heroes who stood against the vile Lucien were, there are others who're just as inspirational in their own way. Pray tell, have any here tonight heard the story of those Hidden in the Myre?'

Nobody raised their hand. 'Good, good,' the elder said. 'Then let us begin this dark tale at the beginning...'

--- ^+^ ---

No fancy recap or anything for round 4, folks. Between potential spoilers and people generally already knowing the overall plot of the Myreque series this far, I figured it would be best to skip the ramble and move on to the thread.

So, come in. Relax. Let's talk about one of Runescape's darkest storylines. :)

Table of Contents (by main content)
Page 1:
~Intro/This post
*Common Discussion Topics
*Character List
~The Seven
~Ingame Sources and Text

Page 2:
~Ingame Sources/Texts (con.)

Page 3:
~Ingame Sources/Texts (anything that didn't make it to page 2)
*Postbag responses

Page 4:
~Dialogue from Newer Quests
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

20-Aug-2012 01:30:40 - Last edited on 25-Feb-2015 04:30:57 by A Mad Hatter

A Mad Hatter
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A Mad Hatter

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Common Discussion Topics
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This section contains both stuff that's been confirmed as far as past theories/topics goes and stuff that's been discussed commonly in the past and keeps resurfacing.

Beware: If you haven't done the quests there may be spoilers .

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Status quo as of The Lord of Vamp**ium
--- ^+^ ---

~Safalaan's Icyene heritage has possibly helped give the Vyres the ability to cross the River Salve.

~King Roald has decided to ignore Raispher's advice about the Edicts and sent military force to guard the River Salve.

*The Mysterious Prisoner of Castle Drakan has escaped her confines after the death of Lord Drakan.

~Ivan Strom is a descendant of one of The Seven.

~The Myreque has disbanded after suffering heavy losses during the assassination of Lord Drakan.

~Calsidiu isn't real.

--- ^+^ ---
Recent Discussion
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Included with the topics are the arguments for & against certain stances on them that have been discussed (relatively) recently. This isn't meant to say any one answer is right above the others at all; it's only set up this way so the readers can make up their own minds and add what their own thoughts as they see fit

Safalaan is really alive after TLoV


~ His examine text doesn't change after his death. Others who died during the quest didn't get the same treatment.

~ Vampyre bites alone aren't enough to kill anyone. We've been bitten ourselves in the past and didn't die instantly like Saf did.

~ Vanescula also took his body away before we could confirm anything ourselves.

~ There's also that matter he and Vanescula were mysteriously discussing during the quest we never found out about.



~ Death seems to be permanent and sudden in the series overall.

~ Vanescula could've just taken his body to use his blood and haemalchemy to give other vampyres the supposed salve barrier resistance.

~ A Taste of Hope shows Drakan feeding habits. The death fits them.
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

20-Aug-2012 01:30:48 - Last edited on 20-Sep-2015 02:41:09 by A Mad Hatter

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

Forum Moderator Posts: 9,861 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Vampyre race has a 'genetic memory' of sorts.

~To quote part of Vanstrom's postbag response (full response is posted later on in the thread):
'Immortality is the greatest of all gifts, for we recall days older than the Mahjarrat.'

~While not necessarily Vampyres, the TzHaar have a similar concept in their racial design, so the idea has *some* footing in lore so far.

--- ^+^ ---

~While the TzHaar have the concept going for them, they are not Vampyres. Even then, the exact nature of their memory is up to debate at this point.

~The exact meaning of Vanstrom's words is up to interpretation. He could mean 'we' as a race in general, or he could be speaking from a collective mind of sorts.

~A society based on backstabbing and power grabbing can't possibly survive with a genetic memory thanks to the chance of knowing strengths and weaknesses of the older Vampyres giving newer vamps an edge in combat.

~There's also always the chance that Vampyre society could also have a history class of sorts instead. Talking to a Vyrelady (and possibly lord) in Darkmeyer reveals mention of an "initiation" when asked about the Blisterwood Tree.

--- ^+^ ---
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

20-Aug-2012 01:30:53 - Last edited on 19-Sep-2015 22:48:27 by A Mad Hatter

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

Forum Moderator Posts: 9,861 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Character List
The following is a list of main characters from the series so far (either we met them directly,or they were mentioned briefly and/or are rumored to play a role in the future quests).

The † mean that the character is dead. 2 asterisks (**) to the right of the name means that their current status is unknown.

Burge de Rott Order
* Veliaf Hurtz (leader) **
* Cyreg Paddlehorn
* Ivan Strom
* Sani Piliu†
* Curpile Foyd
* Pol*afi Ferdygris ** (MIA as of TLoV)
* Radigad *(cb)onfit†
* Harold Evans†

Sanguinesti Order
* Safalaan Hallow (leader) † (Despite the controversy around his death, he's being counted as dead until further developments confirm otherwise.)
* Vertida Sefalatis†
* Andiess Juip†
* Kael Forshaw†
* Flaygian Screwte **
* Mekritus A'hara†

The Vampyres
*Lord Lowerniel Vergidiyad Drakan † (As of TLoV)
*Count Victor Draynor Drakan †
*Vanstrom Klause † (Confirmed dead as of TLoV)
*Ranis Drakan † (Dead after the events of BoD)
*Vanescula Drakan
*Malak (alignment debatable)
*Solomon Lamescus (only appearance to date was in the Postbag from the Hedge, but still rumored to appear ingame at some point)**
*Overwatch Mornid †

The Conspirators
*Zaromark Sliver

Other NPCs
*Sarius Guile (alignment debatable, currently in the service of House Drakan)
*Queen Efaritay**
*Aeonis*g Raispher
*Ascertes (aka 'certes) (Confirmed dead as of TLoV)†
*King Roald
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

20-Aug-2012 01:30:58 - Last edited on 19-Sep-2015 22:47:14 by A Mad Hatter

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

Forum Moderator Posts: 9,861 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Seven
1: Iriandul Caistlyn - A true leader of the holy seven, though rarely ever a footfall in front of Ivandis, who was ever eager to smash the evil and force the tide back into Morytania.

2: Sarl Dunegun of Edgeville - A pious yet brutal man. When wielding his mace he led many fighters on skirmishes to keep the evil from spreading and outflanking the group.

3: Friar Twiblick of Taverley - A devout man of worship whose brave talks and uncommon speeches raised the spirits and abilities of men above that of mortals so they fought as though Guthix himself were at their side, redressing the balance that 'his-dark-self' has spoilt.

4: Derygull Templeton of Falador - A great oak of a man, so well imbued with Saradomin's will and martial ability that he fair commanded people's respect and admiration and they eagerly followed him into battle. His booming voice rallied man in times of fierce fighting, this allowing them to regroup and focus their brutal, savage violence and force capitulation from writhing, cowardly, evil hordes.

5: Ivandis Seergaze of Lumbridge - A deft and well skilled man of unusual appearance, he held a most bizarre control over some powerful minions of Drakan's horde. A rod or staff helped imbue him with such power. Then with the aide of a Guthix serum he would turn the vile entity, often times destroying the creature instantly or reverting it to an origional incarnation or worst of all enraging it great, much to the cagrin of his holy brothers.

6: Erysail the Pious of Rimmington - A woman of such noble and just nature that she commanded the will of Misthalanian fighters high and right, ever at the front of battle displaying courage and aiding those in need.

7: Essiandar Gar of Draynor - A fearless woman at even such a worthy age. It was said that her indignation at the evil scourge was enough to make the most cowardly of men in her ranks act like lions in the fiercest fighting
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

20-Aug-2012 01:31:02 - Last edited on 11-Sep-2013 02:12:08 by A Mad Hatter

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

Forum Moderator Posts: 9,861 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Seven (con.)
-- ^+^ --
The following is something that Nightgunner found on a past version of the thread. While it may or may not be relevant to the series at all, it's still interesting :D
-- ^+^ --
"Sorry if this has been mentioned before.
It appears that the days of the week in Gielinor are named after the Seven Priestly Warriors:

Ivanday - Ivandis Seergaze
Caistleday - Iriandul Caistlyn
Duneday - Sarl Dunegun
Gullday - Derygull Templeton
Erysail - Erysail the Pious
Twiblick - Friar Twiblick
Essianday - Essiandar Gar"

-- ^+^ --
Ingame Texts
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The following is text from some various ingame sources concerning Morytania and Drakan and his Vampyres.

If anything's inaccurate or somehow wrong, please let me know and point me to where the mistake is so I can look into it in my free time.
Plaque text
'Blessings on Efaritay, our Icyene Queen from far off lands and her loving children of Hallowed name.'
Dusty Scroll (An ancient tattered scroll):

My dearest Lantania,

I know not what these dark hours bring. I will come for thee as soon as I am able, I care no longer for the possessions which tie me to this wasted land and the living which I earned from it.

Prepare for leaving soon, I will be there with haste, and with Saradomin's blessings we shall make our way out of Hallowvale westwards over the Salve towards Misthalin and hopefully into the arms of our brethen. I also offer up a prayer to Saradomin that he may help Queen Efaritay in her hour of need and somehow fight these beasts back to the dead place from where they came.

I cry at the plight of A(cb)scertes and offer up a prayer for their children in this darkest of hours. So make ready your plans and as soon as you see me so we shall set for Misthalin, bring only what you need. We shall need all speed and good fortune in this, our last chance for a life together.

Yours, most faithfully,
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

20-Aug-2012 01:31:06 - Last edited on 11-Sep-2013 02:13:35 by A Mad Hatter

A Mad Hatter
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A Mad Hatter

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Message (a message found under a loose tile)

To the hopeful reader:-
I am compelled to commit my experience to paper, perhaps to ease my conscience at the crimes I have committed against my fellow man, or perhaps I hope that in some way these details may help my fellows struggle against the vyres.
My unbearable duty, against the value of my family's lives, is to assist in an underground laboratory.

Each day I aid the stinking vyres in their diabolical experiments. They claim the research will aid us, but I am aware of their darker purpose. The tithes do not come fast enough for them - they're always hungry for more.

Ever more mouths to feed as countless more vyres are created; the never-ending need for more human blood. Against our will, we tinker and toil with compounds - experimenting, researching and recording - but to what aim?

It's clear to me now, that it is not to our aid, but our efficiency in producing more blood! As the farmer feeds to livestock to fatten our food, the vyres seek to fatten our blood.

But it has not gone well for the vyres and, just now, the laboratory has closed down. All outward manner of its appearance is disguised to hide its purpose, and all my fellows associated with it have vanished.

With such haste and secrecy did this come about that I dare to think some rare and dangerous thing has been discovered there, something that may put fear into the hearts of the vyres, if indeed a heart should beat there at all.


Daeyalt Ore:

[Note that this text may or may not be available ingame anymore due to the removal of the prospect option from rocks]
- 'This rock contains some strange properties, none of which you're sure of.'

Examine - 'Looks like normal rocks with a faint glow.'

For the ore (when in the inventory):

Examine - 'This needs refining'

Use on furnace - 'You're not sure what sort of effect you would get by putting this into the furnace.'
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

20-Aug-2012 01:31:10 - Last edited on 04-Jan-2014 02:25:05 by A Mad Hatter

A Mad Hatter
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A Mad Hatter

Forum Moderator Posts: 9,861 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Battered tome (An ancient history book)
Histories of the Hallowland

In years gone by, the land of Morytania went by another name...that of the, 'Hallowed Land.'

Much of that age has now disappeared into the mists of time. And as distant and forbidding as that time appears to be, sometimes like that dread land Morytania itself, we need to shoulder our heavy armor and trudge wearily onwards. To understand the past give us some glimmer of hope of understanding our time here now and perhaps a hopeful glance at a future.

The strange structure of the land of Morytania is due, most likely, in no small part to the many wars that have been fought through the lands of Runescape. But even here, there is something quite strange about the terrain. Swampy and rotten, the foul smell of death and desolation fills the air. Where does this pungent aroma come from?

It is said that before dark lord Drakan ...arrived in Morytania, a very different land existed. A green land, pleasant and bounteous. Sufficient to please many hundreds of farmers, and to supply large towns, villages and cities with food. There is little information to support this idea, but there are hints that this land has not always been the darkened and dreadful place it now appears to be.

There is some speculation about a time before our recorded history when there appeared to be some disputes between the gods. In time, it is said, that Saradomin and Zamorak brought forces through the world to fight for them and claim large areas of land. Where they brought these forces from and how is still a mystery. But, we can hardly deny that many weird and unnatural creatures do exist in this land, things which even the most advanced of scholars do not yet comprehend. Many of these creatures still infest Morytania and their place of origin is still not properly located.
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

20-Aug-2012 01:31:16 - Last edited on 04-Jan-2014 02:25:23 by A Mad Hatter

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

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As an example of strange creatures let us focus on the Ghasts in Mort Myre swamp! Which bizarre act of nature caused these freakish creatures to exist? It seems that whoever dies in that diseased and disgusting place is forever doomed to it, ever hungry and searching for victims to feed on. Blessed it is then that somehow brave new adventurers are about to reveal these foul creatures and destroy them (with the great aid of Guthix, who adores balance amongst all things), and at the same time release the tortured soul from its earthbound torment.

It is clear that some influence is at work in Morytania and its intent is bent toward evil. Before this dark period in history, Morytania is believed to have had a golden age of peace. It is hard to imagine that the Shade infested town of Mort'ton could have once been a busy, happy, thriving bustling town. And even Canifis, once a busy market village supplying all manner of goods to the local population, instead of a cesspit of Werewolf activity and a certain death trap for all but the hardiest of ..adventurers.

Stories and yarns told by the inhabitants of Morytania, and those lucky few who make their way out of that dark land, give us some glimpses of what might have happened there. From these peoples come many bits of story and song form which we can piece together a plausible history line, which is the true aim of this tome.

Let us begin with the current overlord of Morytania, Lowerniel Vergidiyad Drakan. His reign in Morytania has been unchallenged in the history of the land, as far as we can tell. But how long as this been? What do we know of this dark lord? It is clear to many who have visited Morytania that he is a creature of darkness, a Vampyre, but by which strange happenstance did he come to be here?
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

20-Aug-2012 01:31:20 - Last edited on 11-Sep-2013 02:15:35 by A Mad Hatter

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

Forum Moderator Posts: 9,861 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Some reports say that he came from beneath the ground of a great castle which stands in the middle of Morytania, but from where? Some reports claim that a huge city lies beneath the castle, this does not seem plausible. Yet others say that there are countless tunnels which lead into a flaming dark inferno, which it is claimed these dark creatures come form, even more unlikely. What is interesting is that in all of these great yarns, one fact remains always the same; he came into and attacked a castle which already existed

It is the author's belief that this castle existed before Drakan entered Morytania and that some other power existed in the land before him. What this power was is not known, though stories again give us a glimpse at what might have been. One such tale is of a Queen from a far away land of considerable power and revered by the peoples. It is also claimed that the peoples named the land 'Hallowvale' after her, though there is no true record of this.

It is interesting to consider, is it not, that a time of peoples and pleasantness could have existed in the land of Morytania before this. And perhaps to consider, hope, and pray that at some point those times shall be returned to this dark, plagued and unhappy land.

However, let us not forget that had it not been for the seven priestly warriors at Silvarea, the lands of Morytania might extend today as far as Falador...and Varrock may have been a even more sinister city than it appears today! And of those seven, perhaps the most intriguing could said to be Ivandis Seergaze of Lumbridge. His sil(cb)vthril rod of power with blue serene gem was said to have been crafted by the artisans of Saradomin himself. And though there are no accurate records, it is said that its exacting and precise dimensions and shape were the just reason for its great power
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

20-Aug-2012 01:31:24 - Last edited on 11-Sep-2013 02:15:43 by A Mad Hatter

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