Hi PvM. Google Chrome translates the information as following:
'The Final Encounter' The thrilling finale of the Myreque series! surprise if Mod Ana has next to The World Wakes even a long time working on the last quest in the Myreque series, the sequel to The Branches of Dark Meyer .. The Final Encounter! In this grand finale we go Vampyrium, the city where it all began! Vampyrium to discover the ruins of a portal into a forgotten village that the first vampires came to Gielinor by Zamorak. Then, the mystery made ​​known what happened to the Icyene, Safalaan and we will work with Vanescula deal with Lord Drakan .. but go and do everything as we had first thought?
For this epic finale of one of the oldest and most famous quest series to play will high combat skills (90 +) are required, the have completed The Branches of Dark Meyer, Ghosts Ahoy, The World Wakes, and level 80 Fletching and 75 Slayer . It will be the story of the Myreque end .. but begins a new story of a dark power who returns for his second quest for power .. The Final Encounter we expect by the end of the summer!
It doesn't sound like an obvious April Fool's joke (to me at least), but there are a few issues that spring to mind.
1. It's still April Fool's day.
2. Where did this information come from? The page seems to make out that the information comes from The World Wakes and Tribute to Guthix FAQ. I thought we already discussed that FAQ? Perhaps it's another one.
3. The page mentions all sorts of suspect things, such as the Easter Bunny being linked into The World Wakes as a guardian of Guthix, and the Elder Gods coming from an advanced world that looks like science-fiction.
4. Having a Myreque finally come so soon will be a rush too quick in terms of the story that needs covering and the time it would take to develop it.
Would you agree with me that the author is joking, PvM?
01-Apr-2013 16:16:49
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01-Apr-2013 16:18:41