Dop Gutta: Nice try, but don't feel so bad. I suspect that Mod Ana doesn't want to give us all the details that will spoil the next quest.
Balustan: Got it. I suspect he means Zaros and Zamorak, given that these are the only two masters that Drakan has ever had, at least to our knowledge. Also, the 'return' is a giveaway seeing as the big thing going on right now is the return of the gods. Zamorak will probably want his allegiance, and Osborne's tone tells me that Drakan won't be pleased.
Icyene, Vyrelords, Vanescula, and Efaritay: A complex bloodline, eh? Mod Osborne's refusal to answer the minefield question of the Icyene's conversion (if it happened) is probably related to this. What we know from Legacy of Seergaze and the columbarium is that some people, whether Icyene or human, were converted into Vampyres against their will. In that case, why does Mod Osborne need to be so cagey about the matter if this was true of everybody who was converted? The answer has to be that some Icyene/humans converted VOLUNTARILY, and this leads us to the minefield that is Myreque VI and beyond. Who betrayed Hallowvale and cast their lot in with Drakan's brood? I've said before that Vanescula will probably turn out to be one of those traitors, but now I'm certain of it.
Salve and the Eastern Lands: It is still active. Also, "I see it as a wall, conceptually as long as any vampyre could fly. I don't believe it's a dome - it would be interesting to see if they made their way to the Eastern Lands..." Is he implying the involvement of the Eastern Lands in the future of the series?
Daeyalt ore: Why is daeyalt ore so important to the vampyres? "It highlights one of their weaknesses." We know that daeyalt ore has magical properties and is linked to the Stone of Jas. So what is the connection, and what weakness is he talking about? Here are some that we know of: silver, garlic, river Salve, Salve crystals, blisterwood, the need for blood (or maybe not?)...
19-Mar-2013 15:41:18
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19-Mar-2013 16:09:11