Not sure if it's been mentioned yet, and if it has, I apologize, but one of the Seven Priests shares a last name with Simon Templeton at the Agility Pyramid. Not sure how significant this will be, but:
-geographically, Simon is pretty close to Morytania
-I realize that archeologists are nothing like Indiana Jones, but let's face it, Indiana Jones would have a field day with certain Morytanian locations.
Other observations:
-in Movario's notes, he mentions detecting an aura of sorts near the tomb of Ivandis Seergaze. Later, he refers to this aura again, and it is heavily implied to be related to the Stone of Jas. Meaning, the Stone of Jas may have a connection with the area around that tomb
-I don't see any mention of Tarn Razorlor. Remember, he set up shop in a hidden temple which already existed. Tarn's diary makes mention of some stone blocks with markings on them that he found interesting. My question: what was that temple originally for? What were the marks that he found (if forced to guess, I'd say Dragonkin symbols, but I doubt even that).
-does anybody remember the special moves that Vanescula used during her fight with the Bloodvelds? Here's my theory: if you paid attention, you'll be able to use that to your favor when Vanescula decides to suddenly and inevitably betray you.
04-Feb-2013 20:24:23