
^+^ Myreque Future V4 ^+^

Quick find code: 341-342-29-65084936



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Paul Gower is not still around. He left last summer apparently.

Still ROTM was terrible anyway. I have to be honest Mod Ana is the only one at Jagex atm I would want to do this quest. I know John A is there and he would be alright but I don't feel he's done a quest of this kind of atmosphere before. Then again no Jagex mod has ever done a quest quite like this.

I think regardless she was a better choice anyway due to being in charge of the series that properly introduced the edicts in a big way and having done stuff with Zaros and being Icyene curator and stuff.

04-Feb-2013 12:58:27



Posts: 493 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thats good enough for me, you guys are trustworthy enough :)

Being done with TWW makes her available for Myreque VI, does it not? Someone ought to bribe Mod Mark into giving her this project before anything else comes her way since she seems so in demand now

04-Feb-2013 18:08:04



Posts: 2,486 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'd love to see Mod Ana jump straight to Myreque VI after The World Wakes, but is it likely? Mod Ana might want to take a break from making quests for a little while.

Still, I agree with you all that she is the best choice in both instances, and I hope that she goes full speed ahead with the Myreque in 2013. Jagex really needs to draw the old classics (especially the elves) to a conclusion soon.

04-Feb-2013 18:30:40 - Last edited on 04-Feb-2013 18:31:34 by [#TWA99I4ZX]



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Not sure if it's been mentioned yet, and if it has, I apologize, but one of the Seven Priests shares a last name with Simon Templeton at the Agility Pyramid. Not sure how significant this will be, but:
-geographically, Simon is pretty close to Morytania
-I realize that archeologists are nothing like Indiana Jones, but let's face it, Indiana Jones would have a field day with certain Morytanian locations.

Other observations:
-in Movario's notes, he mentions detecting an aura of sorts near the tomb of Ivandis Seergaze. Later, he refers to this aura again, and it is heavily implied to be related to the Stone of Jas. Meaning, the Stone of Jas may have a connection with the area around that tomb
-I don't see any mention of Tarn Razorlor. Remember, he set up shop in a hidden temple which already existed. Tarn's diary makes mention of some stone blocks with markings on them that he found interesting. My question: what was that temple originally for? What were the marks that he found (if forced to guess, I'd say Dragonkin symbols, but I doubt even that).
-does anybody remember the special moves that Vanescula used during her fight with the Bloodvelds? Here's my theory: if you paid attention, you'll be able to use that to your favor when Vanescula decides to suddenly and inevitably betray you.

04-Feb-2013 20:24:23



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I will point out the whole storyline feedback thread thing ended up with like Myreque in 2nd or something like that so it could be incredibly likely that she goes straight onto Myreque VI or perhaps one smaller project just before that.

Elves we know we are getting next year though which is nice.

04-Feb-2013 22:47:36



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@X Pur3 04 I blame Chris L's love for combat.

I was wondering about the Vampyre Heirarchy cause I mean it's interesting yet not really discussed.

At the top you have Drakan who is the emperor or ruler or whatever you want to call it yet he is still called Lord Drakan. Then you have Vanescula and Ranis who were Lady and Lord and they rule for Drakan cause well Drakan doesn't need to rule when he could be doing more important things.

I would say Count Draynor is next due to him still being Drakan's brother and as such still high ranking and his full title cannot really be removed but still being less than his siblings. Interesting that he is not Lord Victor Drakan though and is instead a Count.

After that I would split it into 3. Malak, Vanstrom and the Tithe Master. Malak because I believe he rules Canifis a key territory. Command over the werewolves is helpful and he would be charged with presumably defending Morytania from the West due to the border being Canifis essentially and for all intents and purposes he has taken Dessous' land too it seems.

Vanstrom had command over the Vyrewatch and could command humans under the Tithe Masters servitude it seems so he was fairly powerful though I imagine he could only order about Vyrewatch due to his mission and that when the mission was over he would simply be one of the lower Lords like those in Darkmeyer.

The Tithe Master I put here because Tithing is obviously hugely important to the vampyres and as such he is therefore important. Possibly in charge of who gets what Tithes and the quality of the blood each Vampyre gets and such.

Then I put less important Lords like I imagine Dessous was.

Then all the other Lords and Ladies.

Then Vyrewatch.

Then Juvinates.

Then Juveniles.

I would be interested more in this though.

I also propose that Vlad was once a Vampyre Lord on the level of at least Dessous.

05-Feb-2013 21:44:06



Posts: 2,486 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I just wrote a whole post's worth of analysis regarding Drakan's titles, only for it to be deleted as the system logged me out...

I'll just add the conclusion. Looking at the implications of his titles and the information we have about Morytania and the Vampyres so far, there are two possibilities. The first is that Drakan is actually ruling on behalf of the other Vampyres who have collectively and figuratively vested power in him to rule as prince and regent but not as king/emperor. It is interesting to note that Vanescula ruled out the possibility of outright killing Drakan to become ruler, as the other lords and ladies would not accept it, suggesting that they may be amenable to another approach. In turn, the vyrelords and ladies have to put up propaganda posters around the middle tier of Darkmeyer, suggesting that there power is dependent on support from their subordinates. Therefore, Drakan may be dependent on the consent of the rest of the Vampyres to maintain both power and legitimacy. Perhaps he is pursuing Godhood to take himself to the next level and transform the system, a bit like Augustus Caesar, who went from being the princeps (hence prince) to forming his own cult of divinity.

The other, more likely, possibility is that Mod Tytn just wanted to give Drakan a string of spectacular titles to add panache to his character.

06-Feb-2013 00:00:33

William Witt
Aug Member 2023

William Witt

Posts: 12,465 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
'I just wrote a whole post's worth of analysis regarding Drakan's titles, only for it to be deleted as the system logged me out...'

At least for me (I use the Chrome browser), post contents are salvageable in such cases. I think you *lick the Back button, and the text is still there in the box.

and I thought Vanescula's thing was about not killing Drakan *herself*? Was she perhaps (apparently, anyway) willing for the *Myreque* to kill him?

(It could be you realise that, though, if it is indeed so.)
The Asgarnian ale must flow.

06-Feb-2013 00:05:56



Posts: 19,291 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Oh I think it's more so the fact that outright power plays would make the other Lords nervous and more likely to kill you if they think you are getting too powerful. Malak does something similar. I am now wondering if it's just a title they use to address somebody of a higher rank to them.

06-Feb-2013 00:32:27

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