veliaf your an imposter the real veliaf has a weird moustache and diffrent hair and no weird hat
oh and i wonder when we will meet calsidiu the leader of the myreque
and i dont trust vanescula she will back stab us probaly...
and when will we get into castle drakan hmmmm.
EDIT: MOD ANA IS A VYRE HELP!!!! *unsheathes blisterwood polearm*
29-Aug-2012 15:57:45
- Last edited on
29-Aug-2012 15:59:02
Ourg Warlord
That 'castle', as everyone is saying, is obviously going to get a major make-over, meaning that door is going to be much bigger. By the way, are you sure it's a castle other than a prison, because I think two castles in Meiyerditch is enough.
As for Calisidu, I think he's involved with The Conspirators; it would be a big step for the Myreque to recieve help.
Not trusting Vanescula, you figure that from the novels, havn't you? Church said she was Lowerniel's daughter, as a reminder.
I underwent plastic surgery when I noticed my nose. And the rest of my face. I found this hat in Gadderanks's pocket, but don't tell my newest recruit! He is always looking at it jelously.
~Myreque Prevail!
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire.
OSRS: POH ideas
RS3 minigames
achievement ideas
Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
She tricked Safalaan or told him of his past? Made him think she was somebody that used to know him? I'm sure we'll find out. Perhaps as I believe she needs his help to overthrow Drakan a goal he too wants to achieve.