Dangit...Hate when I lose a post I typed out.
Anyway, I'm not too fond of the idea of doing difficulty sweeps like that for the timeline, difficulty is considered but it's more complex than the official difficulty system, but even then it's pretty low-priority on the scale. I like keeping things a bit more flexible, since there are cases where the official difficulty would put what story-wise would be a good quest for a different part of the timeline earlier on. Like Chosen Commander, for example. In some cases, it contradicts itself too, My Arm's Big Adventure is intermediate yet requires 2 experienced quests.
As for the new quest releases, I'll be adding them, but I think I'll wait till FOT* comes out. It seems like it'll just be MPD -> Ooak -> Mahmem -> FOT* anyway though since there's a lack of 'ambiguous' references lately, they're either direct or not there, and due to the lack of amount of 6th age quests so far, location and other lesser-priority things aren't able to be taken into account much yet.
You can only fully appreciate a story when you experience it through the eyes of one of its characters.
15-Mar-2014 06:11:11