
What Secrets Remain (5th age)

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Lord Drakan
Sep Member 2010

Lord Drakan

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- Edicts conspirators need their story resolved, especially since the relevation of how important they were in the series.
- What happened to Mauritys and Polmafi? Also, if possible, Flaygian and Charos.
- Vanescula still owes Malak, could be interesting.

Temple Knight/Sir Owen:
- King Vallance's illness, Prince Anlaf, Kinshra, etc.
- What are Saradomin and Owen up to next, centaurs bla bla etc.
- What will Sir Vey Lance's new role be now that Saradomin's back?
- Why were they not involved with the threat that was Sliske? Surely they will have had plenty of intel?

- What were Sliske's motives for doing what he did? We didn't get anything from Endgame other than "just because".
- Is the Strange Old Man Gargon?
- Was the mysterious voice from Kindred Spirits Jas? If so, what was Sliske doing for her? Why did she call him her 'agent'?
- Who is Rasolo and why did he have Sliske's ring of visibility?
- Where is the Staff of Armadyl now?
- What happened to Sliske after he turned to shadow and seemingly entered our mind (help)?
- What happened to Nomad and Gregorovic?

Sea Slug:
- Ideally just completely rework Salt in the Wound to address the (narrative) issues listed here .

Elder gods:
- Not much progress here, just a reminder to involve Stealing Creation.

Fairy Tale:
- Where are Louis and Rocco?
- How did orks come to inhabit Ork's Rift, when they're originally from Yu'biusk?

- What happened to Dai?
- Doctor Orbon might need arresting.
- Nissyen's corpse is still lying rather unceremoniously at the Temple of Light.

- Skaldrun & Grondaban - who are they?
- Why is Bilrach not dead (not buying the Chelon-Mah thing)?
- Whose was the rotting corpse then?
- Thok ♥ Pretty Lass
- Lexicus & Astea's plot
- What is The Rift?

I have a number of points for the penguin series as well, but since you specifically asked..
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire. OSRS: POH ideas & RS3 minigames & achievement ideas !

Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
— Zanik

03-Jul-2017 11:44:06 - Last edited on 03-Jul-2017 13:26:58 by Lord Drakan

William Witt
Aug Member 2023

William Witt

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Shadoliax said :
White Knights

*how did King Vallance really die
* nature of White Knights plot that has been hinted at throughout series

* identity of conspirators in Paterdomus

Out of curiosity, what in the series hints at a "plot" of some kind for you? I haven't seen anything suggesting something like that.
The Asgarnian ale must flow.

03-Jul-2017 13:39:58

Mod Raven

Mod Raven

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Reminder guys:
5th Age Series ONLY please .

If we start listing every plotline and plothook ever this is going to get complicated.

In addition I'd like us to discount questlines that are considered finished . I.e we have released the finale. Whilst we might do something with these in future, these are not my current source of interest. I.e no vampyre references please. :)

= Raven =

03-Jul-2017 13:49:06

Dec Member 2023


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The guy above has done well with the gnome list and if I listed it, I would just be copying him. Not to mention you had it as an example, so you are aware of it.

* Why are there so many undead?
* What is the Cursed Archipalgo?
* Why can't we see multiple places in the Pirate Quests on the Map?
* What happened to Rabid Jack and is he alive?
* Where is the true Pirate City (I think it was mentioned but not sure)

Elemental Workshop V - VII?
* What is under the workshop that caused the guy to go so deep within?
* Why is there a door for every rune, including Astral?
* Why is the Elemental Workshop in Seer's Village of all places when the rune altars are scattered around the world?

Odd Old Man Quest Line:
* Where is the Skeletal Horror from?
* Why is there tendrils around the arena?
* Why is it so similar to the Jungle and Cave Horrors (And possibly Hand in the Walls in Lumbridge Caves) that are so far away?

Karamja Questline:
* Why did the people of Karamja Anger the Gods?
* What in the world went on there?
* We know nothing about it.
* What are the other powerful beings that were imprisoned there during the God Wars?
* Who imprisoned the powerful beings there?
* Who are the Vacu?

Honestly, hardly anything has happened in Karamja, so it is extremely hard to list things. We also have hardly any history on it.
Come the Sixth-Age, the world will need the World Guardian.

03-Jul-2017 15:12:53 - Last edited on 03-Jul-2017 17:26:09 by Iceman3317



Posts: 2,770 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
There are a lot of loose ends here and there, but for the most part, I think our outstanding questlines can either be made Age-neutral, or brought into the 6th Age in new installments with little impact.

With two big exceptions: Myreque and Desert

The whole Amascut question needs to be resolved, and we're in a weird limbo where we don't understand how the edicts work vis a vis Scabaras, Elidinis, or the fragmented Tumeken. You've got 6th Age environments making key appearances in a 5th Age story and, especially given Icthlarin's prominence in 6th Age content, I don't think we should see these characters again until plot's settled. Things that, given the desert story, should be resolved by the 6th Age include

-Ultimate fates of Amascut, Scabaras, Elidinis, Tumeken
-Amascut's priesthood (cats)
-Feline resurrection (said to be domain/discretion of Icthlarin)
-Plague in Sophanem
-Closed Menaphos
-Survival of devourers (weird inconsistency between Elegy, 2015 Halloween, new slayer dungeon - what's happening to souls on noumennon?)
-Sumona (easy to forget)
-The Skulls (between Arc Tales, Stolen Hearts, Ling's Dialogue, and Wadud, there are MASSIVE inconsistencies with their story/origins, and linked as they were to Lady Keli, their lore and background should be rectified in time for them to appear in the 6th Age with Cora)

The other huge one is the Myreque, and the conspirators in particular. RoB revealed them to be behind our greatest conflicts in the series, yet they saw no resolution. Now, their leader is assisting the consortium that rules Morytania, but he loses all of his motivation and plot relevance with the breaking of the Edicts.

You also have longterm issues of blood supply, the hanging thread of Mauritys and his vampyrism research (including the creation of mutated bloodveld - strongly hinted). And then there's the huge knowledge gap between the players and our characters, who still don't know the identity of Vanstrom.

03-Jul-2017 15:28:46



Posts: 2,770 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
For Myreque bullet points

-ultimate fate of the conspirators
-status/identity/plans of Raispher
-identity of Vanstrom/Ascertes
-Drezel's conspirator map from legacy of seergaze
-Burgh de Rott crypt
-Mort'ton disease
-Malak, relationship with/hold over Vanescula
-Werewolves, their movement
-Mauritys Guile, mutated bloodveld
-mising Myreque
-Temple Trekking - merc protocol is work of conspirators~ why did they do it, who are these mercs really, why are they still operating?
-Burgh de Rott Ramble ~ why it's happening, what they're doing now

While not all of these need to be covered, it must be noted that the conspirators were ultimately proven to be at the root of our greatest conflicts from the first half of the Myreque series, and this is something that cannot be resolved in 6th Age content.

03-Jul-2017 15:40:33

Mod Raven

Mod Raven

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Important clarification

There's been a bit of confusion about what I'm looking for at the moment, so I'll try and be clear:

I am looking for the remaining important plot points in existing quest series from the 5th age .

This does not include possible plot hooks from existing 5th age content. I am after quest series only.

This also does not include finished questlines. E.g The Myreque series. I am only interested in incomplete quest series.


In future I may expand this to include other plot hooks that interest you and perhaps even look at missed opportunities from completed questlines, but for now I would appreciate everyone focusing on existing and incomplete 5th age questline plotlines.

= Raven =

03-Jul-2017 16:05:02

Dec Member 2023


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Hey guys, let me post a list of things he isn't looking for. Some of mine are questionable, but I am seeing a lot of the same thing that is make the same mistake. I thought I would try to help out some Mod Raven. Sorry if you didn't want it.

Sixth Age: (Not to be included in this thread)
Elder Gods.
Ashdale (This is a 6th Age Questline)
Penguins (Not Supposed to be Included)

(Note: I listed Karamja because it isn't directly involving the gods and we haven't had a real quest there in a while. Not even sure if there is an actual questline there or if it was officially finished)

A List of Officially Finished Quest Lines:
Temple Knights/Slugs
Void Knights/Pests
Summer Quest Line.
Fremmy Quest Line (I can't remember if Blood Runs Deep was the ending)
Trolls and Ogres (It was said that The Mighty Fall was a wrap up for all of those questlines)

I am not sure about the White Knights, as they had about 3 different quest lines going at once. Temple Knights, White Knights, and Slugs were all fairly different. We also had that miniquest letter from the God Wars Dungeon 1 where we delivered to Sir Tiffy, but nothing ever came of it.

I think that lists most big questlines that probably shouldn't be included. But I could be wrong on some. It is true that some things were missed in the Myreque questline, however it was confirmed to be on purpose so it can continue on into a new questline for the 6th age at a later date.

Some examples of the quest lines that are left:
Elemental Workshop (Could easily go in 6th Age)
Monkeys (Not sure. Hard to say with Marimbo back in the 6th Age)
Karamja (Not sure)

I have deleted White Knights and Fremmy from my original post on what needed to be addressed.
Come the Sixth-Age, the world will need the World Guardian.

03-Jul-2017 17:01:09 - Last edited on 03-Jul-2017 17:27:37 by Iceman3317

Oct Member 2005


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- Who is Bonzara, the mysterious Marimbo priest found hidden in Ape Atoll's secret underground banana plantation? Why is he so friendly to us in comparison to the other monkeys, including the other priests? He promises us that we will meet again.
- Why are the monkeys of Ape Atoll so militaristic and warlike, with little regard to Marimbo's teachings? How will they react to Marimbo's return in the Sixth Age?
- Who was the mysterious blue-faced ancient gorilla the monkey skull belonged to? Why is their skull found beneath the Temple of Marimbo?
You never were our brightest star, Khazard. 'Vermin slaughtered like lambs'? What does that even mean?

03-Jul-2017 17:19:36

Cinder Quill

Cinder Quill

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There's still quite a few questions remained unanswered along the Rise of Lucien story that could do with answering.

Gnome/rise of Lucien <-- I put this on its own as it is super duper important, yet remains completely forgotten.

-Hazelmere stated we would learn what we need to become a spirit trees guardian. When will our training begin?

Rise of Lucien <-- may be considered 'finished but has a lot of loose ends glossed over after introduction of 6th age

- The Crux Eqal have yet to act on turning their attention to the threat of the Dragonkin
- The Guardians of Armadyl are yet to retrieve the staff of Armadyl
- Neither of these organisations nor the temple Knights have learned of the stone's fate.
-Wizard Ellis is still hunting the stone. Would she not have detected it's demise?
-How will this affect the Rune Altars and her research? I presume there are still catalyst fragments inside the heart.
- Our history (future?) with Aeternam
-Thee Kinshasa now have an elite task force of Elite nights, dark knight mercenaries, necromancer and undead trolls sitting idle in the wilderness. What are they planning?
-What of movario and his further research on the stone? Could his, wizards elris's, sliske's and nomad's research together unearth something unprecedented?
-What actually is the shadow realm?
-Will the Dagon'hai make a move?
-Will Moia have a part to play in the future of the Mahajarrat? Is she just a 'dead end' failure experiment?
-Are the runecrafting Altars truly going to run out of power? Could we see a repeat of the the Rune shortage panic?
- What happened to Hazelmere's hat?

I'm sure there's more loose ends here, if i can think I'll add them :)

03-Jul-2017 18:42:14 - Last edited on 03-Jul-2017 18:52:04 by Cinder Quill

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