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Why is Zaros letting his followers die...?
They're tools. They fight so he doesn't have to.
Patrolling Lore FC almost makes you wish for a Great Revision.
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Are you going to create a movie about Zaros next? And de-canonize anything prior to Fate of the Gods while at it?
Several pieces of Fate of the Gods lore are estrangement for such as Lucien not being present. Yes the Curse of Zaros is wrong about many aspects but it isn't entirely wring as some seem to think it is.
Ah, Zaros, just standing there all floaty and calm
I think this is just part of Zaros' personality. He acted exactly the same way with Lorenab; he just stood there and let lots of his "minions" die before acting himself. The trope of the politician who hides safely behind closed doors while thousands of soldiers risk their lives in battle comes to mind. Zaros is like that, in a way.
Didn't Mod Jack or Osborne say that Zaros only fought once or twice before? I also think they changed their minds about that, but I'm not sure.
I'm too Unaligned to have a forum signature.
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Why is Zaros letting his followers die...?
They're tools. They fight so he doesn't have to.
That's a waste of power... and lives. He could just zamo-zap Zamorak back, but he decides to send his followers to die?